While talking to an old friend, our conversation somehow centered around a person who was a mentor to many of us. He was one of our leaders in a youth movement and and had spent a lot of time training and coaching us.
Years later, this leader called upon some of us to get involved in a business project. During a meeting, everybody around the table was encouraging him to take on the venture.
At that point in time, I felt that the people present were saying things that he wanted to hear. They were not sharing with him the complete truth.
I did not think the project would work and had to speak my peace. I told them, “I like to conduct a survey. If you believe in the project, will you invest in it or participate in it in other ways?”
After going around the table, the stark truth came to light. Nobody – not a single person – wanted to get involved in it.
Obviously the meeting ended in a bad light. That leader was not happy that I had spoken my mind and had forced the rest to show their cards.
My old friend t told me that that our leader had gone ahead to take on a similar project. Subsequently, his partnership splitted and the project was a failure to him.
My friend’s parting words were, “I wish someone had given him better feedback and advice”.
On reflection, the takeaway for me is that I must always encourage my friends to give me honest feedback, no matter how cold and brutal it may be. I hope my mind will never be closed to any good ideas and suggestions.
After giving serious consideration, if the feedback are worthwhile, i should adopt and act on them. However, if they are negative, i should never allow them to stand in the way of my progress.
In addition, I should continue to speak the truth. I should convey the right feedback in the right way to my friends. I will do it with the best of intensions so as to help them achieve the best outcomes.
Please continue to teach me. If you feel that I’m not teachable in any way, you have my permission to knock some senses into my head.
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
Visit my Inspiration blog at http://liewinspiration.wordpress.com/
Visit my Transformation blog athttp://hsrpatrickliew.wordpress.com/
Please read them and continue to teach me.
Life is FUNtastic!
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