Running An Extra Mile

by Patrick Liew on July 8, 2011

When I first started as an agent, there was another agent that I highly respected and admired.

I aimed to achieve better results than him.

He was better looking than me (most people are), more experienced, and highly competent.

I had a simple plan. If he talked to two clients, he could close one sale.

I made sure I talked to five clients and closed two sales.

In other words, I would fail worst then him. I have a 60% failure rate in comparison to his 50% failure rate.

However, I would close more sales.

My sales mantra was simply, “The more I try, the more I will fail.

“The more I fail, the more I will succeed.”

I will run an extra mile for every job that I’m task to do. Even if I don’t win, it will make me a better person.


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