Sharing Love

by Patrick Liew on July 27, 2011

I participated in an e-Forum and a netizen posed this question,

‘How do you convey love to others? What are the most effective ways to do so?’

I like to share with you my updated answer. I am still thinking and learning about it.

I am far from perfect please continue to teach me.

We must first recognize that our Creator has created us with love. He wants us to love Him and others.

Love is already inside each and every one of us.

We need to be mindful of it and live it out in our life. In addition, we need to continue to strengthen our capacity and ability to love.

The paradoxical truth is that the more we extend our love to others, the more love we will have. And the better we will become in sharing the blessing of love with others.

To love others, we need to learn how to love ourselves. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot love others effectively. It will also be harder for others to love us.

For example, when was the last time we tell ourselves sincerely, deeply and generously that we love ourselves?

Are we grateful and thankful for every part of our being? How can we have more appreciation of ourselves?

How can we love very major area of our lives, for example, our health, fitness and energy level?

As we love ourselves, we should at the same time extend our love to others. It is a part of the same process of having more love in our life.

By firing both engines of love, we will also enhance our love quotient.

To love others, it starts with our mind.

The seeds of love that we sow in our minds will help us to reap the fruits of love in our life.

The external act of love is very often a reflection of the landscape of love in our internal being.

So, do we want to love others in a deeper way? Can we learn to see good in others?

Are we willing to intensify our love for them? Even when we are disappointed by their responses to our love, can we use it to make ourselves stronger and more resilient?

Are we mindful about spreading more love to others?

We can begin by extending small acts of kindness and graciousness to the people around us. A pat on the back, a word of appreciation, a small present, a short little note to encourage another person – all these actions can mean a lot to others.

According to research in the field of positive psychology, it can also increase our happiness.

To strengthen our love, we can seek out like-minded people who believe in promoting love. You can find many of them in religious, charity and grassroots organisations.

By putting our flames of love together, we can blaze a trail together.

Historically, we went from an agrarian age to the industrial age. From the industrial age, we went into the information age.

It’s about time, we move into the Age of Love.

Let’s start a Revolution of Love!


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