I read with sadness the story of Mr. Tan Ngan Leng in The New Paper, September 28, 2011.
After driving his car to the East Coast Park, Mr. Tan had committed suicide by setting himself on fire.
He had gambled in the Casino at Resorts World Sentosa and had suffered losses of up to $122,600.
I’m sure his death had affected not only his girlfriend, but also his other loved ones.
This is not the first, nor the last tragedy due to gambling.
According to Mr. Lea Wee, the findings of a survey conducted in 2008 showed that there are about three percent of Singapore residents aged 18 years and above that probably had a gambling disorder.
In other words, about 100,000 people may be addicted to gambling. (The Straits Times, 22 Sept 2011)
How many more deaths must happen before we wake up to the evil of gambling?
How many more families must be destroyed before we will rise up together to speak with one voice against this social plague?
Gambling is an evil that has been carried forward from ancient times.
Leaders have turned a blind eye and allowed it to exist in modern society – in the name of economic development.
They called it a business but there is absolutely no value addition. It is a transaction between hard-hearted people and suckers who should know that no good will come out of it – sooner or later.
There is also no such thing as exercising discipline in gambling. You can be disciplined for a while but not at every occasion and for all times.
Gambling will take charge of your life in times of weakness and such times will happen eventually in your life.
When you go through a rough patch – which will happen to all humans – you may resort to gambling. And it will be hard to resist the temptation.
That’s when gambling will overpower you.
You cannot escape the trap of gambling – unless you do not start or continue to play the ‘innocent and harmless’ gambling game.
There is absolutely no such thing as becoming better in gambling – only how much you have lost your mind. Taking chances in gambling is just another word for being thoughtless.
If you win, the false sense of happiness, confidence and security will motivate you. You will want to gamble and win again.
When you lose, you want to recover your losses. You will always believe you can win back the money one day.
Whichever way you choose, you will eventually lose. Your life and that of your loved ones stand to be destroyed.
Gambling will never let you win. It will only entertain you for a while. It will eventually take back whatever has been ‘loaned’ to you.
You do not own the chips; the chips will soon own you.
You do not control the cards; the cards will soon take control of you.
The only person who should take control of your life is our Creator and you.
Gambling is not taking chances with your life; it’s destroying your life with certainty.
I’m using very strong words because I am upset about how the two casinos have destroyed many lives and all that we have done to build a country that is admired all over the world.
It is a well accepted fact that people who are addicted to gambling are generally suffering from self-denial. They will not admit to their mental disorder and seek help.
If you need help, please contact the following organizations:
Institute of Mental Health
Tel: +65 6389 2222
Samaritans of Singapore (24 hours)
Tel: 1-800-2214444
Fei Yue Family Service Center
Tel: +65 6416 2162
Online Counselling Service:
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
Please go to ‘Notes’ found below my profile picture.
Visit my Transformation blog at http://hsrpatrickliew.wordpress.com
Visit my Inspiration blog at http://liewinspiration.wordpress.com
Please read them and continue to teach me.
Life is FUNtastic!
Question: How can we avoid or remove all forms of gambling from our lives?
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