5. Happy Teachers’ Day – Friday, 6 September 2019 – Learn By Teaching
I remember this incident as if I was still there.
And it happened a long time ago.
I was 14 at that point in time.
Our class was looking forward to learning about Chapter 7 in the Biology textbook from the teacher.
The lesson – Sexual Reproduction.
Mr. Tee Kok Liong, our Biology teacher was a good teacher.
I would never forget him for the rest of my life.
He had a goatee – hardly smiled – and was very serious about covering details in the textbook.
That fateful day came.
Mr. Tee walked into the class.
He wrote on the chalkboard, “Chapter 7, Sexual Reproduction.”
All the students were holding their breaths.
You could almost hear a leaf dropped from a tree outside the classroom.
Mr. Tee then turned to face the class.
Some of the students were swallowing their saliva.
“Class, I’m sure you know how to read. Please read Chapter 7 on your own.
“I will be covering Chapter 8 today.”
Even though I still do not know anything about sexual reproduction – Lol! – I am grateful to all my teachers, including Mr Tee.
They have taught me many lessons that have put me in a good state to progress in life.
By the way, my teachers also include people like you who continue to teach me every single day of my life.
All of us are teachers in one way or another – even if we don’t teach for a living.
Teaching others is one of the best ways to learn, improve, and achieve better results.
In addition, it is a good way to repay our gratitudes to the teachers in our life.
We teach others so that we can help others change for the better and make the world a better home.
The best way to teach is to inspire others to learn.
By doing that, we will also become more inspired to learn.
One of the best outcomes is to teach them what they need to know, and also teach them how to learn what they should learn on their own.
In our learning and teaching journey, we must be prepared to fail.
It is part of the learning and improving process to become a better person.
We must also be prepared to stand with and support those who fail. We must help them to rise up again to achieve better outcomes.
When we are passionate about learning and we learn how to learn, we will enjoy better performance and results.
The above lessons are some of the lessons that I have learned from teachers in my life.
To all the teachers out there, thank you.
Have a wonderful Teachers’ Day!
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
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Please read my reflections and continue to teach me.
Life is FUNtastic!
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