Learnathon 2013 – The Final Challenge (Part 4).

by Patrick Liew on December 6, 2013

In the process of contributing to a good cause, I realized that many volunteers are happy people.

While observing them, I discovered there are major factors that enhanced their happiness quotient.

Happy people who are involved in social contribution do so out of their own free will.

They choose the cause they are passionate about and love to be involved in and they commit themselves to it.

These people volunteer their services because they want to help others.

They don’t do it to serve their own self-interests.

They will not force themselves to support a social mission, neither will they intervene to help people who refuse their help.

In addition, they choose to contribute to the work that can make full use of their talent and strengths.

They leverage on current resources to make a more positive impact.

Happy people will not overwork themselves to a point where they bring more stress to their life.

They focus on ensuring a healthy balance between their social contribution and other areas of their life.

By doing that, they can do more and achieve better results.

As an active volunteer, it bodes well to remember that practicing acts of giving can be done anywhere, at anytime, and in many different ways.

It doesn’t need a lot of time, talent, money or energy. It also does not have to be difficult, time-consuming, or grand.

There’s no need to volunteer to serve in a prominent organization or support a major cause.

Acts of giving can be performed for family members, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, or friends.

A kind word, a pat on the back, a short note of appreciation, a small donation, some words of encouragement, a smile, a positive conversation… there are many things we can do in the span of a day.

Look around you.

There is somebody who needs an act of love, a word of compassion,  and a gift of kindness from you.

There are infinite numbers of ways to brighten up our world and our life at the same time.

Take the first step now.


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