Leveraging On Regrets

by Patrick Liew on June 15, 2011

I was sharing with my daughter some of the missed opportunities in my life.

For example, my partner and I helped to develop a product similar to YouTube in 1999. I could have been a billionaire if only I marketed it correctly.

My daughter asked me, “Do you have any regrets?” That question stayed in my mind for awhile even after I have given her a perfunctory answer.

Many people believe that there is no need to be regretful. It is not constructive to have feelings of remorse and regret.

I humbly beg to disagree.

I believe every emotion is neutral, and there is a reason for it to be there. It is how I use my emotion that makes it right or wrong, good or bad.

There may be a need to go through the feelings of regret again and again. Obviously, I must not allow it to become a demon in my soul.

Only when I am regretful, Can I learn that something has gone wrong. When I am aware that something has gone wrong, I can learn from and do something about it.

My feeling of regret can be a great motivator to drive me to take action. And it can inspire me to improve again and again.

Please help me to leverage on regrets.

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

Life is FUNtastic!


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