Walking For Power

by Patrick Liew on November 7, 2011

In this Love Note, I want to share with you a morning ritual that I have been practicing for many years. It has helped me to start the day right and move in the right direction towards my goals.

Every morning, I need to take Jumper, my pet dog for a walk. Nowadays, I don’t have to bring Jumper for a walk, Jumper will bring me for the walk.

I will spend time talking to Jumper – a ‘man to man’ talk if you will. =)

Jumper is more like a son to me now. We may not agree on all things but we can still be close to one another.  =)

Over the years, Jumper has become more and more like me. Besides inheriting my good looks, it has cultivated my friendly character. =)

If a robber comes into my house, Jumper will pack my belongings and carry them for the robber. =)

Over the years, I have turned the morning walk into one of the most important parts of my life. It has helped me to improve my performance and results – and brighten my day too.

I call it the ‘Power Walk’.

I have taught the Power Walk to people from many countries and many have benefited from it. I hope you will benefit from it too.

The first appointment I should make in the day should be with myself. If I start the day right, everything I do can be easier and better.

The most important person I need to improve should be myself. If I am not right, everything will turn out wrong.

That’s why the Power Walk is so meaningful to me.

Let me share with you some of the activities in it.

Exercising My Body

I start the day with a series of stretching and other exercises to strengthen my body and health. Without an optimal level of fitness, energy and vitality, there will be a limit to what I can do and achieve in my life.

Strengthening My Voice

As a leader and salesperson, I have come to realize my voice is one of the most important tools in my life.

Therefore, I do exercises to warm up and improve my voice production. Throughout the day, I drink sufficient water and make sure I do not strain my voice. I do whatever I can do to protect my voice.

Oxygenating My Life

I believe that I usually do not breathe in deeply enough and take in sufficient oxygen. The more work I do and the higher the stress level, the shallower my breathing will become.

I make it a point to go through a series of deep breathing exercises to oxygenate my body and mind. Throughout the day, I will perform these exercises again and again because I believe it has many rejuvenating effects.

Counting My Blessings

I spend a lot of time counting the blessings in my life.

The more I focus on it, the more blessings I will discover – blessings that I have enjoyed, am enjoying, and will soon enjoy.

I gave thanks to our Creator for all the wonderful things He has given to me. I am grateful and thankful for everything in my life, including failures and rejections because they make me a stronger and better person.

When I have a heart that is filled with gratitude, there is no room to be unhappy.

The more I give thanks, the more emotional muscles I will develop to support a life of happiness and success.

The memory of these blessings and the emotional muscles that I have developed can also be used to lift me out of down periods in my life.

Reviewing The Past

They say, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

That’s why I review my past, especially the activities that I went through the day before.

I ask myself;

“What did I do right?”

“What did I do wrong?”

“How can I improve?”

When I humble myself and have a teachable attitude, there is so much I can learn, do and improve.

Visualising My Future

President Eisenhower was once quoted to say, “Plans are nothing. Planning is everything.”

It is not good enough to have a plan for my success. I need to revisit, pray through, and improve it on a daily basis.

I need to visualize it so dearly that it will draw me like a magnet to it. When I do that, I will become more motivated to carry out my plan effectively and efficiently.

Strategising For Success

I keep asking myself, “How can I achieve success?” This question will act like a rudder and lead me to the answers.

I explore all options to achieve my corporate and personal dreams.

I keep my mind open to whatever strategies our Creator will show to me.

I also endeavour to learn new ideas that will put me on the right and faster track to success.

Walking Through The Day With All My Senses

Albert Einstein once commented, “Imagination is the preview of things to come”.

I use my imagination to walk through what I need to do for the day – starting from the most important to the least important activity.

The clearer I see, hear, smell, taste and feel what I should do, the stronger will be my commitment to make it happen. By engaging my body, mind and spirit, I am more likely to turn it into a success.

Reaching Out To Others

In the process of the walk, I also remember the people around me, including those who are in need.

I will pray for them and ask our Creator to bless them richly and mightily.

I pray the same for you too.

Appreciating The Beauty Around Me

As Jumper needs to send his ‘emails’ constantly =), I am forced to stop every now and then.

I have learned to search for and appreciate the beauty around me. When I do that, I am constantly amazed at the wonders of life – from man-made beauty to the wonders of nature.

Even when Jumper stops at one of the worst looking places in my neighbourhood, I can still find many fascinating things. From looking at the clouds, admiring the horizon, to marveling at ants scurrying around – there is magic around me.

Truly, some of the best things in life are free.

It’s a real pity I sometimes go through life without enjoying them.

At the end of the walk, I’m always more prepared to start life anew. I’m more ready to seize the day and make it count.

I always feel better about life.

Even Jumper knows life is good. It greets a new day more enthusiastically than me.

Curious, adventurous, playful – Jumper is always excited about every experience. Jumper is still teaching me daily to enjoy life.


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

Please go to ‘Notes’ found below my profile picture.

Visit my Transformation blog at http://hsrpatrickliew.wordpress.com

Visit my Inspiration blog at http://liewinspiration.wordpress.com

Please read them and continue to teach me.

Life is FUNtastic!



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