It’s Time To Stop Comparing Yourself With Others.

by Patrick Liew on July 19, 2018

It’s Time To Stop Comparing Yourself With Others.

Living in a commercialized world, you’ll be constantly bombarded with advertisements and promotions to compare yourself with others.

They drive you to either catch up with others or be better than others.

To do that, you have to collect more and more stuff that can at best give you temporary happiness.

Then, you may have to look out for the next commercialized illusion.

When you fall into the social comparison trap, you’ll realize that you’ll never be satisfied or contented.

You’ll always have the unfavorable comparison because there’ll be people who are more successful, wealthier, and more fortunate than you.

Social comparison can cause many negative outcomes in your life.

The more you compare yourself with others, the more you will attract negative emotions into your life.

These emotions potentially include envy, insecurity, jealousy, frustration, and resentment.

The social comparison may even cause you to lower your self-esteem and self-worth.

Make you feel vulnerable and threatened, and increase your level of anxiety, stress, and fear.

As you continue to compare yourself with others, soon you may not have a grip on who you are and who you should be.

A sense of guilt and shame may set in and you may not have peace of mind.

Comparing yourself with others may also make you less willing to help others.

Your happiness level will also decrease over time.

There’s no point in comparing yourself with others.

Break the vicious cycle of social comparison now.

From the words of Desiderata, “If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.”

Our Creator has designed all of us to be different.

There’s no apple to apple comparison between any two persons.

You are uniquely you and only you can experience and achieve what you can experience and achieve in life.

When you learn to accept and love yourself, you’ll be in a better position to love others and become an asset and a net-contributor to their lives.

Be clear that true friends are not attracted to you because of your position, power, and possession.

If they are, these are not the kind of friends you want in your life.

When you stop comparing and competing with others, you’ll attract a better quality of friends.

And you can better connect, collaborate and co-create solutions with your friends to achieve better results.

Happy people do not compare themselves with others and they are not bothered by how they compare with others.

They live the best of their own lives and are not negatively influenced by others.

They adopt a healthy way to judge and feel about themselves.

In addition, happy people see the positive sides of others.

They have healthy regards for others and wish them well.

They are concerned about other people’s failures and are happy to encourage and support them to succeed in life.

Therefore, love yourself and aim to optimize the use of your potential. Put on your best self and be the best you.

Seek to not only remove social comparison but to also live your life for others and to serve others.

In adopting such an attitude, it will propel you to do better with your life.


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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