What defines financial success?
It’s the money in the bank, says one
It’s retiring early and living debt-free, says another
It’s the acreage of lands
And many mansions
It’s the never having to work another day
When money earns its own way.
The jolly faces of finely clad men
The sparkling jewels of daintily dressed women
Seem to tell us they have pockets and purses deep
That money is no object
To abject poverty
They will never be subject.
Do their lives indeed spell
Financial success?
Everyone seems to desire
To get to the top
To take the fast lane
To rise above
Whatever is there to see?
Towers of gold?
Heaps of money?
Is it all worth
The never ending quest
To trudge and be trudged upon?
Meanwhile there’s you and me.
With nothing but dreams
And fervent prayers Heaven-ward
Taking the road less travelled
Through bumps and puddles
The treacherous curves
Or even the sleepy straight ahead
Step by step
Hand in hand.
Starting from zero
Celebrating one
Losing one
Recovering and gaining strength.
Building our torque
And zooming to the sky
The road to true wealth
Is an endless pursuit
Of the ultimate financial breakthrough.
We may not all get there
But feeling the joy
In pressing on to find it;
Making progress
One steady step at a time;
Having a dream
And living for that dream
Makes for success.
The financial reward
Is but Heaven’s will
After we have done all we could
It’s really up to Him
But what we can control
Is our passion to reach our dreams
And to make the world better
By our labour’s positive returns
To our neighbour, brother and friend
To our Creator, the Source of all.
Financial Success, my friend
Is both the journey and the destination
When forging towards it
Has brought you closer to another soul
When along the way you discover
A richer life lived for others
So keep pressing on
Until you reach a tipping point
That catapults you
To quantum leaps
And then all over again
In a brand new field
You take small steady steps
And forge anew
To a higher plane
Of existence
With a wider circle
To bless
With more burdens
To help carry upon your shoulders.
Thus, a brand new journey and destination
To financial success.
– Patrick Liew and an anonymous poet
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
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Life is FUNtastic!
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