Protest Like Hong Kongers?

by Patrick Liew on August 20, 2019

Protest Like Hong Kongers?

I would rather have the freedom to value-add and contribute to the growth of the country than the freedom to destroy the economy and society.

I would rather have the freedom to speak responsibly than the freedom to stop others from traveling properly in public transportation and private vehicles.

I would rather have the freedom to act honourably than the freedom to harass passers-by, the elderly, women, tourists, and the police.

I would rather have the freedom to volunteer for initiatives to take our people forward than the freedom to prevent others from going to work and running their businesses properly.

I would rather have the freedom to live in a society that abides by law and order than the freedom to destroy public and private belongings.

I would rather have the freedom to move around the country safely than the freedom to cause frustrations, anger and fear.

I would rather have the freedom to speak up against the authorities and propose solutions than the freedom to insist that they abide by our expectations and aspirations.

I would rather have the freedom to engage in appropriate dialogues and consultations than the freedom to blindly adopt western-style democracy without any details on how to make that system work in our unique culture and society.

I would rather have the freedom to help my own country than the freedom to ask foreign countries to interfere with and influence the governance of my country.

I would rather have the freedom to transform a piece of rock, with hardly any natural resources, into a liveable and lovable country than the freedom to destroy peace and progress.


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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