We are solitary travellers
On the face of earth
Walking to each our journey’s ends
Day by day, we trudge and tread
On the same hallowed ground
Breathe the sweet scent of fresh air
Feel the rush of breeze through our hair
Play on the soft verdant grass below
Catch the dazzling sunlight aglow
Smell the fragrant flowers
Taste the sweet fruits from trees that bear
Food to quell our hunger
Delight our souls from despair
To the west as the sun sets
The sky turns orange and mellow
To the east at day break
Bursts of wonderful yellow
Do we ever pause a moment
To bask in Earth’s glory?
Do we ever reverently adore
Earth’s unending beauty?
Stewards upon Earth
Children of our Creator
To Him we owe our lives
Listen, listen
Mother Earth is calling
Listen, listen
To the lesson she is teaching.
Let no worldly pursuit
Damage earthly good
When your vain ambitions
Collide with Mother Earth’s intuitions
Destructions may come
Her tears may flow
Into vast oceans that overflow
Her fury may rage
Into fires from grounds that bellow
Start today
To care for Mother Earth
In life everything we enjoy
Flows from her bosom
We are solitary travellers
Like peregrines in the sky
Leave this Earth a better place
For those who yet shall come
After we long are gone.
– Patrick Liew and an anonymous poet
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
Visit my Inspiration blog at http://liewinspiration.wordpress.com/
For my opinions on social affairs, please visit my Transformation blog at http://hsrpatrickliew.wordpress.com/
Please read my reflections and continue to teach me.
Life is FUNtastic!
Planet Earth is You
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