Fighting Negativity – Part 5

by Patrick Liew on November 22, 2019

Fighting Negativity – Part 5

Negativity Wears Many Faces

It is a disease that can kill:
Not just the physical body,
Not just the soul and the will,
But societies entire.

It is the modern day curse –
Affecting all types of media.
Nothing can be worse
Than the future it brings.

It is a dark cloud descending,
Pervading mind and heart,
Over many areas looming,
A black, contagious shadow.

It is a tsunami of destruction,
Cascading and ravaging,
Bringing damage and depression;
A slippery slope to failure.

It is a parasite that slowly grows,
Taking root and gaining strength,
Feeding off its willing host.
Does it happen to be you?

It is a lens one sees through,
Turning everything dim, forlorn.
Look outside now, what see you?
Is it the candle or the dark?

Negativity is a road you take
It builds itself into habits
It will make you who you are;
Negativity is a choice you make,
Soaring eagle or wallowing hippo – Which of the two shall you be?

Need help?

Contact the following:

SOS (Samaritans of Singapore) @ 1800 221 4444

SAF Hotline (For SAF Personnel) @ ‭1800 278 0022‬

Institute of Mental Health @ 63892222

Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH) @ 1800 283 7019

Tinkle Friend @ 1800 274 4788

Care Corner Counselling Centre (Mandarin) 1800 353 5800

More help can be found on this link:

If you want to talk to me but I’m not an expert in this area, just send me a private message:

There’re always help around you.Go4It!

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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