PSLE Examination Results

by Patrick Liew on November 21, 2019

PSLE Examination Results

My heartfelt wishes for students who have received their PSLE results.

If you have done well, you have a good start. Congrats!

If you haven’t done well, you have a good starting point to motivate yourself to go further and faster in life. Congrats too!

Both ways, life will offer you more than enough opportunities to do well and at the same time, do good to others and the environment in the future.

To parents:

Exams and grades are not everything in life.

More importantly, the purpose of education is to raise your child to be a moral, responsible, wise, productive, and useful person.

A useful person who can contribute to strengthening workplaces, communities, and economy.

Address social injustice, achieve progress for society, and live a meaningful, productive and fulfilling life.

There are different pathways that your child can pursue to help him develop his potential and serve worthy causes.

Therefore, help your child to learn how to leverage on his strengths, talents and passions.

Apply multiple intelligences, and not just intellectual intelligence to fulfill his dreams and goals.

To all of us:

As an educator, I believe that helping the young is not just the responsibility of teachers.

All of us should be involved in it.

We do it by being a lifelong learner and setting a good example.

We should promote the values of having a good education and learning throughout our lives.

Together, we can turn our country into a learning nation, and our community into an every-improving community.

Let’s be a people that will continue to learn, improve, and achieve better results.

That’s the only way to future-proof ourselves and take ourselves to a higher level of achievement.

If you have time and want to volunteer to help the young, just PM me.

Majulah Singapura!Go4It!

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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Life is FUNtastic!


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