Seven Key Steps To Achieving Your Financial Goal

by Patrick Liew on October 24, 2017

The “Seven Key Steps To Achieving Your Financial Goal” is designed in the form of questions that you can pose to yourself.

By posing questions to yourself, you can find the answers to help you take the correct steps to move forward and achieve success.

The quality of your achievement depends on the quantity of quality questions you pose to yourself throughout your life.

Asking the right question is liken to controlling the steering wheel of a car.

Asking the right question is the first and the right start. Many falter in posing the right questions to themselves and therefore, steel themselves on the wrong path and in the wrong direction.

1. What’s Your Goal?

Ask yourself, what’s my dream for the future? What do I really want to achieve by a specific date?

Crafting your dream is like using a compass. It will help you chart your direction to your destination in life.

2. Where Are You Right Now?

What’s your current position right now?

If you don’t know where you are, you cannot make a meaningful start. You will not reach your destination because you can’teven plan for the journey.

3. What’s Your Initial Action Plan?

What do you have to initially do to achieve your dream? How can you take the first few critical steps?

If you dream and you don’t know how to turn your dream into a reality, you’re living in your own mind. Like diapers, it may give you some comfort but it is definitely not a permanent solution.

Without knowing what to do, you can’t fulfil your dream.

4. What’s Causing The Gap?

What causes the gap between your dream and achievement of the dream? What are the primary causes of the gap?

You need to know the sources of the problems so that you can resolve them. By dealing with the symptoms, your problems will either continue or they will return back to haunt you.

Count the cost to fulfil your dream. Pay the price and make the necessary sacrifices.

Hard work is definitely a necessary part of the journey.

5. How Can You Close The Gap?

How can you resolve the issues to close the gap? What can you do to take yourself from where you are until you reach your goal?

You need to have a detailed action plan. Like they say, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. You need to map out the strategies and tactics to reach your dream.

It includes a detailed list of actionable steps. In addition, you need to craft different alternatives in case the route that you had selected did not work.

You need to deploy your resources effectively and efficiently so as to make your dream come true.

6. How Can You Implement The Action Plan?

The key difference between dreaming and achieving the dream is just one word – execution. It is the capacity, ability and tenacity to act on your dream.

If you have a dream and you don’t take action, you’re building castles in the air. On the other hand, if you take action but you don’t have a dream, you are merely running around the same castles.

It is not enough to be a dreamer, you need to be a doer too. You need to go beyond execution and learn how to excel in your action.

Execution is about improving your action constantly so as to bring your dream closer to reality.

7. How Can You Evaluate And Improve Your Progress?

how can you measure and improve your progress in achieving your dream?

If you cannot measure, you cannot keep track of where you are and how you’re going to reach your destination. Through measurement, you can find out if you are moving in the right direction and find ways to improve your journey.

Even if you’re happy with the current state, you can research and find out if there is a better position that you should be in. Look for gaps that are holding you back from serving a higher calling and fulfilling a worthier cause.

Then, follow the above 7 steps to take yourself and team there.

When I was serving my national service as an officer, I was trained to bridge a gap through obstacles. Our troops will then be able to go through the gap to reach our objective or a better ground.

Enjoy yourself as you breach one gap after another to take yourself to a higher level of achievement.


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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