Why I’m So Proud Of Singapore And Being A Singaporean

by Patrick Liew on August 27, 2018

Why I’m So Proud Of Singapore And Being A Singaporean

Many leaders and economists are predicting that the biggest economic boom in the near future will happen in the Asia Pacific region.

China, India, ASEAN, and Japan will become some of the strongest economies in the world.

It’s likely that the next economic boom will happen in the Asia Pacific region.

As it is, Asia has already seen the fastest rate of growth of high net worth individuals.

Its share of the world’s ultra wealthy population has grown from 18% to 26% over the last ten years (World Ultra Wealth Report 2017).

As the economic pendulum swings from the West to the East, Singapore is well-positioned and prepared to capitalize on this economic growth.

As an entrepreneur and an investor, I’m confident our best years are ahead of us.

1. Singapore is the most dynamic economy (Grant Thornton’s Global Dynamism Index).

2. Singapore is a major hub for trade and commerce in Asia Pacific and the world.

3. Singapore is ranked as as the easiest place to do business for more than ten years (Ease of Doing Business Index).

4. Singapore is rated as having the best business environment in Asia Pacific and worldwide for 2015-19 (Economist Intelligence Unit, Country Forecasts, May 2015)

Singapore’s pro-business environment has also earned the following recognitions:

– one of the best investment destinations in the world and the number 1 investment destination in Asia (BERI Report 2016-I, April 2016),

– one of the freest economies (2016 Index of Economic Freedom),

– Asia’s top financial centre (Global Financial Centres Index 2016),

– one of the best countries in taking advantage of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Global Competitiveness Report January 2016), and

– one of best countries for IP protection (Global Competitiveness Report).

5. Singapore is consistently considered as one of the least corrupt countries in the world (Corruption Perceptions Index).

6. Singapore is the number one place in the world for startup talent, unseating Silicon Valley (2017 Global Startup Ecosystem Report).

7. Singapore is number one on a new list of the best startup cities (Nestpick).

8. Singapore is number one in the world for digital competitiveness (IMD World Competitiveness Centre).

9. Singapore is the most “network ready” country in the world (Global Information Technology Report 2015).

10. Singapore is number one for being a “green” city (Green View Index).

11. Singapore is rated as the number 1 maritime capital for 2017, 2016, and 2015 (Menon’s Leading Maritime Capitals of the World Report).

12. Singapore enjoys the highest ranking for labour force in terms of workers’ productivity and general overall attitude (Business Environment Risk Intelligence (BERI) Report 2014).

13. Singapore is number 1 for the best logistics supply chain performance and the top in Asia for logistics performance (Logistics Performance Index, World Bank).

14. Singapore is the most innovative economy (Global Innovation Index 2017).

15. Singapore is one of the most competitive economies (IMD World Competitiveness Centre).

16. Global Finance magazine ranked Singapore as the 4th richest country in the world in terms of GDP.

17. Singapore is the most business-friendly economy (World Bank report).

18. Singapore is one of the few countries that has earned an AAA credit rating, and the only Asian country to achieve this rating (Moody, Standard & Poor, Fitch).

19. Singapore’s wealth per adult continues to be among the highest in the world.

Wealth per adult in Singapore is projected to rise 2.2 per cent per annum to hit US$309,000 in 2021.(Credit Suisse Research Institute).

20. Singapore is ranked 4th among the world for the countries with the highest number of millionaires per capita (Global Wealth report from Boston Consulting Group).

21. Singapore’s corporate tax is one of the lowest in the world (BusinessInsider).

22. Singapore is the world’s fastest growing private wealth management centre.

It is projected to overtake Switzerland as the world’s largest offshore wealth center by 2020 (“Singapore’s Multimillionaires: New Wealth Report Busts The Myths”, Forbes).

23. Singapore is projected to have the largest increase in ultra-rich individuals compared to other cities globally over the next 10 years (Knight Frank’s Wealth Report 2015).

24. Singapore is rated as the world’s strongest nation brand in 2016 (Brand Strength Index in 2016 & Brand Finance).

Singapore has been ranked the highest in Asia in attracting and fostering talent for a fifth-consecutive year on the Global Talent Competitiveness Index published by French business school INSEAD.

25. Singapore’s passport is the ‘most powerful’ passport in the world according to the Passport Index, which was developed by global advisory firm Arton Capital.

26. The 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer Index showed that in Singapore, trust in the Government stood at 65 per cent, while trust in the media stood at 52 per cent. In comparison, the figures for the United States stood at 33 per cent and 42 per cent, respectively.

Singapore is ranked 6th among 180 countries in 2017 corruption perceptions index


Singapore is the third most transparent government in Asia.


Singapore is ranked number 1 for order and security in The Workd Justice Project’s Rule of Law Index 2017-2018, and the world’s safest city in the 2017 Global Smart City Performance Index.

According to Gallup’s law and order report, Singapore has emerged as the safest destination in the world in 2016, 2017, 2018.

27. Singapore is one of the world’s most livability cities for the 16th year.

And well positioned for the future of advanced manufacturing and smart factories.




I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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Life is FUNtastic!


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