Preserving Racial And Religious Harmony

by Patrick Liew on April 4, 2017

Racial and religious beliefs are visceral part of human psyche and being.

If anyone has been on the ground, and not hypothesize from an armchair, he will know that racial and religious harmony can be fragile and be like glass.

An insensitive remark, even if it’s spoken out of a good intention can cause unintended backlashes, open up old wounds, and create new fault lines.

It can cause deep divisions in our country and polarize our people.

Once the social fabric is torn, it may be hard to return the fabric back to its original strength and functional condition.

That’s why our people, and especially leaders and people of influence should be mindful about the vulnerabilities of our societal fabric.

They have to exercise due care in their choice of words and actions so that we can continue to develop a more stable, secure and sustainable level of racial and religious harmony.

Our court of law has to send a strong message to the public that there’s no place for any word or action that is prejudicial to the maintenance of racial and religious harmony.


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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