8. Happy Teachers’ Day – Friday, 6 September 2019 -Thank You English Teachers!

by Patrick Liew on September 7, 2019

8. Happy Teachers’ Day – Friday, 6 September 2019 -Thank You English Teachers!

On 21 December 2012, I had a wonderful dinner with a group of total strangers.

They eventually became my friends long before the night was over.

That evening started with a cocktail followed by a candlelight dinner in an open area, the ambience of which I could only say was magical.

The food was amazing.

There were two choices of starters, three choices of main courses, and two choices of desserts.

Throughout the dinner, there was a free flow of beverages and alcoholic drinks – a wide array of food to suit different palette.

All the dishes were exquisitely prepared.

Although they were based on cuisines from different parts of the world, the menu and description of the food was printed in English.

Around the table, we had people from various parts of the world. There were guests from South Africa, Swaziland, New Zealand, and Zimbabwe.

We had a wonderful conversation over dinner and exchanged many jokes.

Throughout the evening, everybody spoke mainly in English and I was able to interact actively with everybody.

At the end of the memorable evening, I went back happy and feeling grateful.

I was thankful that the Singapore government adopted English as the lingua franca for our multiracial society.

As a result, I had to go through my formal education in English.

In the initial years of my working life, I was working with English-speaking expatriates from England, Germany and the USA.

At that point, I have to admit I was not the most confident in speaking and writing in English.

Thankfully, over the years, my command of the English language has improved and it has helped me in my career development.

By learning how to write and speak in English, I was able to conduct businesses literally all over the world.

You might not believe it but I have even spoken in quite a few international conferences with luminaries such as President Bill Clinton, Prime Minister Tony Blair and Robert Kiyosaki and have also authored a few publications – all in English.

Through communicating in English, I have a better access to some of the best information.

Cultivated a stronger base of knowledge and develop different expertise and life skills.

Travelled all over the world and connected with many interesting people.

Ordered and tasted a vast array of delicious cuisines, and enjoyed many exciting experiences.

I could do so much more in my life mainly because I was able to communicate my thoughts and heart’s desires in English.

I could not imagine how much worse off my life would have been if I could not communicate in English.

My world would have been a smaller and quite possibly, a darker one.

I am committed to improve my command of the language. Please continue to help me.

A big Thank you to all my English teachers.



I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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Please read my reflections and continue to teach me.

Life is FUNtastic!


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