A Key Ingredient To Achieve Success – Leadership

by Patrick Liew on August 9, 2014

(I have been an ardent student of leadership for more than 40 years.

I have studied the life of great leaders such as Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingale, Confucius, Lee Kuan Yew, and Steve Jobs.

I discovered that there are 9 critical success factors that mould and shape their leadership skills and success.

I have captured the essence of these factors in the following Love Note. I feel strongly that every person improve can and should improve their leadership quotient.

Here’s my challenge to you.

If you read this Note, I will invite you as my guest to attend a 3-Day seminar on how to be rich and wealthy. Free of charge.

Once you have read to the last line, PM me your name, tel, and email address. You can have the free ticket.

No question asked. Subject to the first 20 persons only and as long as there are vacant seats left).

A Key Ingredient To Achieve Success – Leadership

All organisations succeed or fail primarily because of leadership.

Nothing great is achieved without a great leader and a great team.

Leaders change lives for better or for worst. They also change landscape of the community.

The good news is that you can become a great leader. You can build a force for good that will make our world a better home.

As I study great leaders, I realised they exhibit 9 factors to build a great team and achieve sustainable success.

These factors can and should be learned, developed, and practiced. It is not just the responsibility of every leader but also every member of the team to implement them.

Question: How can you become a great leader?

1. Envision – Soar With A Revolutionary Cause

The first critical success factor to build a revolutionary movement is to have a worthwhile dream.

Revolutionary leaders aspire to fulfill a worthwhile cause and they are totally committed to their cause.

They are even willing to die for the cause. Their deep passion for the cause has become a rallying point to pioneer a great movement.

Their followers bought into a shared dream. They are prepared to make tremendous sacrifices to turn a revolutionary dream into a reality.

The rationale is simple.

Every human needs a compelling purpose for living. The more worthwhile the purpose, the more they will devote their heart, mind, and soul to fulfill it.

There is a degree of truth in the saying, “Give your team members a worthwhile cause and they will be willing to die for it.”

There is no greater inspiration in life than to be mindful that we have one short life to live and therefore, we need to make full use of it.

What bigger cause can there be than to change the people and world around you for the future generation.

I cannot think of a better example of a leader who believed in dreaming big dreams and turning them into a reality than Mr Nelson Mandela.

Mr Mandela held on to the belief that South Africa would be liberated from the clutches of apartheid laws. It will become a free, multiracial, and democratic nation where everybody could live together in harmony and enjoy equal opportunities.

He went through all kinds of humiliation, tortures, and inhuman treatments. He went through them almost on a daily basis but he kept the dream in his heart alive.

Mr Mandela went through untold hardships as a political prisoner and served the longest recorded sentence in the world. He was not allowed to see his family and friends for the 27 years.

Suffice to say, he paid a high price and sacrificed tremendously to fulfill his dream.

Against all odds, Mr Mandela achieved a feat that was beyond normal imagination. He eventually became the first democratically-elected black President in South Africa on 10 May 1994 – and at the age of 75 years old.

Even after stepping down in 1999, he continued to campaign for freedom, forgiveness, and justice throughout the world. He enlightened communities and inspired many people.

Today, South Africa can proudly raise its flag as a democratic and multiracial society because of freedom fighters like him.

One of my favorite quotes from Mr Mandela is that, ‘There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.’

Without question, Mandela was and is still inspiration personified. His life can be a constant encouragement to anybody on the long walk to revolutionary leadership. (For more information, please read my blog about him, http://liewinspiration.wordpress.com/2013/01/28/a-tribute-to-nelson-mandela/

As a leader, you should learn from Mr Mandela. If your people do not know what you believe in and where you are going to, they will never follow you.

However, if you have an electrifying vision that serves a worthwhile cause, your people will be inclined to follow you through thick and thin to make the world a better home.

That’s what revolutionary leaders do. They are purpose optimizers and not profit optimizers.

They are mindful that every human needs to be challenged and should be challenged. Healthy challenges can motivate the team to rise to a higher level of achievement and fulfillment.

A productive member deserve such an environment and will value such an environment to help them stretch their potential and drive them to achieve better performance and outcomes.

As a leader, you need to spend time to understand your leaders and their unique dream and goals and help them discover their calling in life.

The beautiful thing is that you can always be a partner to anybody and help him design a positive, worthwhile, and desired future.

You need to develop models and actionable plans to help them live an extraordinary lifestyle. When they sense your sincerity, sacrifices and initiatives to help them, they will become more committed to help you fulfill the cause.

Do it for every leader and for the rest of your life. I believe our Creator will bless you beyond your wildest dream and imagination.

More than anything else, I believe our Creator has placed a burning cause within your heart. There is a calling that draws you to challenge yourself, make things happen, and contribute to the world.

If you promote your cause one person at a time, one day at a time, one experience at a time, it will soon take traction.

With grit, perseverance, and constant improvement, your personal mission will become a movement.

Think: How can you craft an electrifying vision to revolutionize the world?

2. Exemplify – Show The Right Conduct.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is a great example of a revolutionary leader.

He led India to gain independence from Britain and inspired many freedom and civil rights movements.

Gandhi believed in practicing truth and nonviolent civil disobedience despite being threatened and imprisoned for many years.

He wore the traditional Indian dhoti and shawl. The simple attire was
woven with yarn hand spun on a charkha.

He ate simple vegetarian food and was well known for going through protracted fasts to purify himself and as a form of social protest.

He lived a simple life among ordinary persons and in a self-sufficient residential community.

Through his exemplary lifestyle, Gandhi won the hearts and minds of millions all over the world.

One of his most popular sayings is, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

In the same way, leadership is an action you take for yourself and for your team mates.

The first action is to be the person that you want your team mates to become.

As the saying goes, ‘A stream will never rise above its source.’

Your teammates will be inclined to follow in your footsteps to reach the desired destination.

Therefore, you need to show the way.

You need to be the leader that you would like to follow and the leader others would want to follow too.

You need to continue to learn and improve so as to set higher standards of performance and results.

If you cannot lead yourself, you cannot lead others.

In the same way, before you love others, you have to love yourself.

How you live your life will exert a tremendous influence on your team mates.

You need to possess qualities that will win their cooperation, respect, affection, and loyalthy.

If people don’t know what you aspire to achieve, they will not join you. If they don’t know what you believe in and how you intend to live out your beliefs, they will not follow you.

In addition, if they don’t trust you, they will leave you. However if they respect you, they will be inclined to become passionate and productive members in your team.

The best way to be trusted is to earn it. And the best way to earn it is to walk your talk.

You need to say what you will do and do what you said you will do. In the process, you must earn the right to lead.

As you seek to fulfill your revolutionary cause, set the right example for others to follow. Lead the charge by living the dream – right at the front.

Question: How should you live your life so as to lead others to fulfill the revolutionary cause?

3. Enroll: Shine With A Champion Team.

As a leader, you need to select the
the right people with the right talents to join your team.

However, recruiting a person does not mean that he has been enrolled into your team to fulfill the vision.

To me, TEAM does not stand for Together, Everybody Achieve More. It should stand for Teams that are Effective Achieve More.

The person that you recruited must be sold to the cause. He must be totally committed to help fulfill it.

Every member must take the best possible action in accordance with his unique gifting and strengths. He must develop a synergy and be in alignment with the other team mates so as to achieve desired outcomes.

To do that, you need to expect the best from your team mates so as to bring out the best from them. In addition, you need to invest in developing them to be the best they can be.

When you invest your life in others, you will live the best of life.

Mother Teresa is a great example of a revolutionary leader that has built a worldwide movement.

What was more admirable was that the people who joined her as a nun or monk must “adhere to the vows of chastity, poverty, obedience, and the fourth vow, to give “wholehearted free service to the poorest of the poor.”

On October 7, 1950, Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity. In her words, the mission was to care for “the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone.”

What started as a small movement grew to about 450 brothers and 5,000 sisters worldwide. They operated about 600 missions, schools and shelters in 120 countries by 2007.

Mother Teresa won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize and is still one of the most respected leaders in the world.

Question: How can you enroll people to join you in fulfilling a worthwhile cause?

4. Entrench: Shape The Organisational Culture.

Many teams fail because members have lost faith in their respective leader and their organization. That’s why it’s important to decide right from the beginning to set a high standard of ethos, morality, and honour.

As you walk the leadership journey, forge an empowering team culture to achieve the shared vision.

Develop effective structure, systems, and processes to inspire your team to go farther and faster in the right direction.

The quality of the organizational culture will determine the quality of your achievement. It will also determine the speed that your team will take to reach the desired end-point.

The organizational culture must also help your team and team mates to achieve the following:

a. Redesign. The organizational culture must empower them to change themselves so as to live out and fulfill the dream.

b. Recruit. It must empower them to recruit and enrol more and better people to the team.

c. Retain. It must be able to retain the right people and reject and remove the wrong people.

d. Refine. It must be open-ended and subject to effective changes brought about by lifelong learning and improvements.

e. Re-engineer. At the right time, you need to wisely evolve the culture and replace it with a new and more appropriate one. This is to help you achieve not only incremental but also quantum leaps of improvements.

f. Reproduce. It is not effective if it cannot be reproduced, improved, and be acted upon by current and future generation of followers.

If you and every member in your team seek to be trusted and respected, your team will last for a long time.

You will be in a better position to cooperate, collaborate, and co-create better solutions to achieve more sustainable results and make a greater impact.

To illustrate, I like to use the achievements of a great leader. He has the foresight to work with his team to build a solid organizational structure, systems, and processes for a very small nation

Today, this leader and the nation is widely admired all over the world. He is a leader that I greatly respect.

Without him, millions of us would not be able to live in a clean, safe, and vibrant environment.

I am referring to the father of modern Singapore, Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

While he may not be perfect, his contributions far surpassed the leaders of his time. The fact that he can lead a great team speaks volume of his vision and leadership competence.

He and his team led a little red dot, comprising mainly of migrant stock, low fiscal reserves, and hardly any natural resources. They turned it into one of the most developed and livable countries.

Singapore’s uracil ours transformation from a third world- to a first- world country is a testament of their sacrifices for the country. It speaks volumes of their planning abilities, execution, and perseverance.

That’s why Mr Lee is respected by many people all over the world, including leaders and politicians.

If you travel all over the world, you will realise that Singapore is widely admired and modeled after. Leaders from many parts of the planet travel to Singapore to live, work, learn, play, and to learn from the Singapore Way.

In particular, I respect Mr Lee for developing an orderly and effective succession plan and for helping to induct a new generation of leaders to lead the country forward.

We owe a debt of gratitude to this great man.

You can read about the tributes to Mr Lee by the Who’s Who in the world of leadership @ http://liewinspiration.wordpress.com/2013/02/18/please-pray-for-mr-lee-kuan-yew/

The organizational culture should be undergirded by a culture of love, care, and concern. It should be a community of friends.

Everybody wants to belong to a community of friends – a community that bonds closer than a family. Nobody abandons a positive friend.

Aim to build such a family-feeling in your team. A family that will not only bond everybody together but which will also attract others to join the team.

Immerse the family with love, the most powerful force in the world. Learn to proactively show care and concern for one another and do it graciously, continuously and generously.

Inject lots of warmth, fun, excitement, and dynamism into the team. When that happens, how can the team not soar?

How can others not want to follow you?

Question: How can you develop an organizational culture that will help you and your team achieve more sustainable results and make a greater impact?

5. Empower: Strengthen Your People To Change The World.

The best example I can offer you of a revolutionary leader is the Lord Jesus Christ. He did not tripped and subject Himself to the trappings of the other leaders.

In three years of going public with His life-changing cause, He exhibited all the traits of revolutionary leadership. More importantly, the number of His followers and His impact on humanity continue to grow all over the world.

The Lord Jesus used a complete toolkit of strategies and techniques to ensure that His followers were equipped to carry out their roles and responsibilities.

Along the way, He played different roles, including acting as cheerleader, counsellor, and coach. He was versatile in carrying out His duties so as to achieve the desired results.

He applied an ‘I Do, You Do, We Do’ system to help them move from dependence to independence, and then to interdependence.

First, The Lord Jesus showed the way. Then, He worked together with them to bring about many signs and wonders. He developed on-the-job opportunities for them to work on their own but under His supervision and guidance.

He harnessed the best of their unique talents and strengths. He also helped them to work together as one body and in one spirit to fulfill one vision.

He then sent them out with a wise Counsellor living in them to help them change the world.

To be a great leader, you need to help transform the life of your team mates. When they can experience the values and benefits of a greater good, they will be more appreciative of you and the team.

They will be more motivated to develop an interdependent and win-win relationship with you and to support you to fulfill the worthwhile cause.

As you strengthen your team, a tipping point will happen and the team will start to fly. Your worthwhile cause will blaze a trail of glory.

Think: How can you develop your people and strengthen them to live out and fulfill the worthwhile cause?

6. Elevate: Shape Your People To Become Champions

Florence Nightingale is a revolutionary leader that I admire and one to whom all of us owe a debt of gratitude.

Without her, we may not enjoy modern-day nursing services. Hospitals would have been a colder and more depressing place.

Ms Nightingale was a well known statistician and social reformer. She was best known as a pioneer of the first school in the world for training nurses and producing nursing leaders and teachers.

Her writings have also triggered worldwide healthcare reforms.

A heroine with a heart of gold, she was nicknamed “The Lady with the lamp” for her tireless effort in serving the sick, the wounded, and the disadvantaged. She did it even in the stillness of the night and long after most medical personnel have gone to bed.

She mentored Linda Richards, “America’s first trained nurse” and who went on to pioneer renown nursing schools in the USA.

For her contributions to the nursing profession, the annual International Nurses Day is celebrated on her birthday and new nurses have to take the Nightingale Pledge, a pledge that was named in honour of her.

She was also known for reforming sanitary conditions, advocating for women’s rights, and improving hunger relief in India. Her good work has influenced many people and institutions all over the world.

Like Ms Nightingale, as a leader, one of your key roles and responsibilities is to invest in developing every single member in your team.

You need to help them maximize their potential, enhance their performance, and reach the highest level of pursuit.

The model for organisational growth
is based on a ‘Leader build Leaders…’ framework.

The first person you need to develop is yourself. If you are an effective leader, you have what it takes to succeed in your endeavors.

To do that, aim to be a servant-leader, a leader who leads by serving others.

Unless you love and serve your people, you do not qualify and deserve to be a leader on a long term basis.

To be an outstanding leader, you must also be an outstanding follower.

When you know how to work as a team player and follow others effectively, you will be in a better position to lead others and command their respect.

In addition, as a leader, you should also build more and better leaders.

The way to have the best leaders in your team is not just to recruit great leaders but to also develop your current team mates to become great leaders.

The process of training and developing them is a critical part of your leadership responsibility and it is an ongoing process.

See your team mates not just for who they are but also for who they can become. Treat them as leaders and they will be more inclined to rise up to become one.

In essence, expect the best to get the best out from them.

In the process of developing them, you will also be developing yourself.

When you invest in developing lives, you will live the best of life.

Empower your leaders to follow your example to build other leaders.

The cycle of leadership development should continue until it takes on a healthy and sustainable life by itself. Otherwise, your worthwhile cause will not be fulfilled.

One of your greatest legacies as a leader is the development of other leaders and your contribution to help them achieve meaningful results.

Your achievement will rise to the level of your belief in your people and commitment to take massive action to create a desired future.

The more leaders you have in your team, the stronger your team will become. With a stronger team, you can achieve more and better results.

Question: How can you develop your leaders so that they will go on to build more and even better leaders?

7. Educate: Strive To Make Continuing Learning And Improvement A Part Of Your Lifestyle

If you study any benchmarking study for educational standards, you will find that China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Japan ranked amongst the top in their achievements.

These cities or countries appreciate the importance and values of education. They are committed to setting high standards and are dedicated to improving quality of education.

In my personal opinion, there is a common denominator in their cultures. Their focus on education has been somehow influenced by Confucius and his teachings.

Confucius (551-479 B.C.) is one leader who has revolutionized the fields of philosophy, politics, and education.

He believed in the values of formal education and played a great part in shaping ethics and moral conduct, governmental systems, and family relationships through his writing and teaching.

As a leader, he has impacted the Chinese culture and way of life until today. He has also influenced philosophy and education throughout the world.

If you want to be a great leader, you should be like Confucius and be committed to lifelong learning. The day you stop learning, you immediately start to become uneducated.

In a fast changing world, there is a limited shelf life to your knowledge and expertise. If you are not learning, improving, and achieving better results, you will eventually become irrelevant and redundant.

Make learning an integral and a vital part of your life. And walk the
journey of learning, growth, and continuos improvements with your team mates.

When you inspire others to learn, you are also enhancing your learning experience.

If you are not motivated to learn, all the best trainers, trainings and training resources will have no impact on your life. However, if you are keen to learn, there are lessons at every given moment of your life.

There are also an infinite number of teachers waiting to teach you in many different ways.

To ensure optimal learning, you need to develop a learning plan.

Determine the gap between current and desired competencies. Then look at ways to bridge it in an efficient way.

Treat your daily life as a classroom to learn and improve. By doing that, you will be in a better position to achieve your learning goals and outcomes.

There are many doors to this 24/7 classroom of life. Please don’t limit yourself to any particular way to get access to the classroom.

Please allow me to list some of the learning pathways.

a. Learning Environment

You are the result of the people you interact with and the environment you live in.

Choose your friends carefully, including friends on the Internet. As they say, if you want to fly with eagles, don’t mix around with turkeys.

Ensure that the environment is conducive to learning and improvements. Do not, for example, join a club or be involved in an online community that can only have a negative influence on your life.

b. Learning Community

To enhance your learning experience, join different networks of people who share similar vision, values and lifestyle. Have a commitment to inspire and motivate one another to achieve respective dream and goals.

Share with each other knowledge, information, and ideas. Help each other develop the appropriate skillset.

Fine tune each other’s plan and line of actions. And watch over each other as you progress in life.

c. Formal Learning

This is a form of learning that you should be familiar with. Typically, it involves interactions between a teacher and a student in a formal educational setting, eg. a classroom.

Keep up to date by attending well-regarded seminars and conferences. Participate in programmes that will help you achieve your desired results.

d. Informal Learning

There are many useful lessons that can be harnessed from daily observations and interactions. They can be conducted on a personal basis or in a group.

Therefore, make it a point to proactively meet people in gatherings, clubs, workshops, and exhibitions.

Seek out great leaders and initiate discussions with them so as to tap on their wealth of knowledge. This can also be done through forums on the Internet.

By asking the right questions and listening carefully, it can open you up a new world of learning and improvement.

e. Inspired Learning

When you learn from experts in their own fields, they will inspire you to do a deeper study of their work and the area of their expertise. They motivate you to widen your knowledge and become a wiser leader.

f. Reflective Learning

Devote sufficient time to reflect on your daily activities and learn from them.

Be mindful of how you invest your time during the day.

Review the activities to evaluate your performance against the desired results. Be honest to audit how you have failed and not just how you have succeeded.

Look for ways to improve your strengths and ring fence your weaknesses. Develop action steps to improve the results.

The best time to start learning is now.

The best way to start is to take the first step – sign up for a learning programme that will help you at this point in your life.

As you continue to take more steps, learning will eventually become a habit and a lifestyle. You and your team mates will be on your way to become great leaders.

Question: How can you and your team mates practice lifelong learning and improvements so as to become great leaders?

8. Encourage: Edify Your People With Your Care And Concern

Revolutionary leaders have a servant’s heart. They live to serve and not to be served.

Whatever they do, they don’t do it to satisfy their ego or serve a self-serving interest.

They serve with humility, and value others above themselves. They seek to not only meet their people’s needs but to also help carry their burden.

To them, the concept of a win-win relationship means that others must win first before they can ever win.

They must help their people to be successful before they can be successful.

They will also encourage them to serve others, and to do so without any complaints and conflicts.

At the core of their operating principles are the values of love, compassion, and kindness.

Revolutionary leaders such as Mr Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, and Mahatma Gandhi are driven by their love for their people.

Love is the most powerful force in the world. It operates on the basis of the Golden Rule: Do to others what you want others to do to you.

By the same token, do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you.

As a leader, if you don’t have a heart to love and serve your people, you don’t deserve and qualify to be a leader.

If you apply love wisely, you can inspire your team mates to greatness.

May I suggest 4 ways that you can demonstrate your love to your team mates. I call them the “STAR” principle.

How does the STAR Principle Work

S – Start With Yourself

Before you enroll people in your team, ask yourself, “How can I be the best of friends to attract them?”

Begin by loving and being comfortable with yourself.

Believe that you can contribute positively to your friends and your friendships. Work towards making it happen along the leadership journey.

Your emotional stability will help you to win more friends. On the other hand, if you’re emotionally unstable, it will repel them from you.

When you bring out the best from yourself, you can also bring out the best from others.

T – ‘Tee-Up’ Others

If you want to be loved, you have to share your love with other. If you want to feel important and respected, make others feel important and respected too.

Make others feel good about themselves and that they can do more and achieve more in their life.

This is called a ‘Tee Up’ process.

To ‘tee-up’ your team mates, you can adopt a 3P approach.

1. Presence. When you are with them, offer them your full presence. Give them your complete attention.

Make sure your body, mind and spirit are there for them.

2. Pace. People generally like people who are like them. In other words, make them feel comfortable when you are with them and start by working within their comfort zone.

Be considerate and sensitive to their thoughts and feelings.

“Mirror and match’ them in terms of their thoughts, language, and behavior. Find common ground of interest and agreement and pace them until they are comfortable with you.

After you have connected with them, it will be easier for you to collaborate with and even correct them.

Praise. Every person has values, strengths, and achievements.

Look for the good in people and help to strengthen these traits in their life.

Take every opportunity to shower them with your affirmation and appreciation. Compliment and praise them – sincerely, appropriately and generously.

Recognize their good deeds privately as well as publicly. Do everything possible to inspire them to achieve greater success.

A – Enhance Your Value–Addition

The best life is a life lived for others. The more you reach out to bless other lives, the richer and better your life will become.

By doing so, you will lay the foundation to build lasting friendships.

Continue to improve on your friendship quotient – the ability to add value to your relationships.

To do so, you need to continue to invest time, energy and money to learn, improve and become a better person. Then, you can continue to contribute to others.

Find out your team mates’ personal goals and aspiration. Be their cheer leader and play a part in helping them fulfill their vision in life.

Keep your ears open and be sensitive to their needs. Be a plus factor in their lives.

It can be a simple word of encouragement, an act of kindness, or a helping hand to resolve an issue and help them live a better life.

Stand by them. Old-timers like me call it ‘Yi Qi’ in Chinese (義气).

In other words, your people must always be able to count on you to stand with and behind them during both good and bad times.

The more values you add to their life, the greater will be your sense of purpose and fulfillment. It will also help to secure and strengthen your relationships.

R – Reinforce Your Relationships With Heartfelt Experiences And Memories

When I think of all the endearing friendships I had in life, it came about mainly because of the experiences we went through together and the beautiful memories we shared.

Although many of these experiences resulted from circumstances, a lot of them were deliberately created by people in our midst.

As a leader, you should never be too busy to create happy memories for your loved ones and for your friends.

Use your creative juices to come out with exciting experiences and pleasant surprises.

Aspire to turn your leadership journey into a treasure cove of beautiful memories for the people around you.

Question: How can you encourage your people and create beautiful memories for them?

9. Excel: Enlarge Your Space by Re-Creating Yourself For A Higher Challenge

In the business world, many titans admire Steve Jobs for the way he reinvented himself. He conquered one height after another despite going through some of the worst failures as an entrepreneur, inventor, and corporate executive.

Steve revolutionized not just one but five different industries in his lifetime. From computer, telecommunication, music, retail, to the movie industry, he virtually changed the landscape in every one of them.

In late 1979, Steve was shown Xerox PARC’s mouse-driven graphical user interface. He saw the commercial potential of the product and had more faith in it than Xerox and its inventors.

It led to the development of Apple Lisa and, a year later, the Macintosh. He was also instrumental in introducing the LaserWriter and it paved the way to make laser printers a commonplace in the market.

The rest as they said was history.

Steve’s venture pioneered the personal personal computer revolution. Some would say he also brought forth the digital age.

After being removed from Apple, he went on to start NeXT, a computer platform development company specializing in the higher-education and business markets.

In 1986, he acquired the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm in 1986. As a result, he created Pixar and it pioneered a new generation of digital technology in movies.

In 1996, Steve sold NeXT Computer to Apple and the NeXTSTEP platform became the foundation for the Mac OS X. Subsequently, he became the CEO of the company again.

Under his leadership, Apple invented
the iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, and iPad. The company also developed
Apple Retail Stores, iTunes Store and the App Store, making Apple probably the largest retail outlet in the market.

Steve turned Apple from near bankruptcy to become the world’s most valuable publicly-traded company in 2011. It is considered as one of the most admirable feats in the business world.

Great leaders like Steve Jobs constantly reinvent themselves. They continue to excel and break new horizons so as to take themselves to a higher level.

It is a paradoxical truth taught in the Bible that you cannot appreciate life if you do not understand death. If you want to live, you need to die to yourself.

You need to also put the negatives behind you so as to create the positives for what lies ahead.

When you leave behind the things that hold you back, our Creator can help you re-create the best future.

You need to be willing to creatively ‘destroy’ your team and redesign it so as to capitalise on new opportunities in our fast-changing landscape.

The capacity, ability and agility to reinvent yourself to meet changing expectations will determine your- and your teams’ winning edge in the new economy.

Your ongoing results will be determined by your competence in thinking out of the box to achieve the next level of growth.

The process of re-creation is an ongoing process throughout your lifetime.

Think: How can you creatively ‘destroy’ your model of operation and redesign it to achieve a higher level of success?

The 9-Factor Revolutionary Leadership model is a proven model for personal and organizational success.

It is by no means the easiest to implement but it is one of the most effective ways to become a great leader and to build a great team.

The above 9 factors are imperatives to developing a team of excellence, a team that is built to serve and designed to last.


By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

Visit my Inspiration blog at http://liewinspiration.wordpress.com/

For my opinions on social affairs, please visit my Transformation blog at http://hsrpatrickliew.wordpress.com/

Please read my reflections and continue to teach me.

Life is FUNtastic!


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