A Lifelong Love Affair With Books

by Patrick Liew on August 20, 2019

A Lifelong Love Affair With Books

It’s sad to read that another bookshop is going to be closed.

In an increasingly digitized and fast-moving society, there are many distractions, and communications are frequently reduced to sound bites, especially on social media.

As a result, reading as a habit has taken a beating and if this trend continues, we will not be any wiser or healthier as a people.

We should inculcate a lifelong love affair with books because reading is one of the basic building blocks to achieving success and living a great life.

Reading can help us to not only find out about life. It can bring forth life.

Reading is like having a ticket to board a special vehicle, a cheap way to go on an amazing journey to discover more knowledge, events, and experiences. An exploratory trip to discover truths and realities and in the process, help us find our purpose and place under the sun.

The beauty of reading is that we can go on the trip for as long and as intensively as we want, and do it from the comfort and security of our home.

Reading can transport us out of the world.

It can give us freedom to roam the expanse of space, time, and history and offer a helicopter and deeper view of almost every idea, concept, emotion and knowledge, and give us a better understanding of the world.

Reading can help us probe the smartest minds and learn from the wisest beings.

We can walk where they have walked and go where they have gone.

Learn virtually from their failures and build on their successes.

We can also “live” through their lives and leverage lessons from studying them to enrich ourselves and others.

Books are like stars that can help to navigate our lives.

They trigger ideas and stretch our imagination so that we can see more clearly on our journey.

Reading can show us who we are and who we should be.

It can teach us how to live our lives from the start to the end, and help us go from where we are right now to our rightful destination.

We need to find time to read or we may up end up wasting more time because books can teach us how to make full use of our time and lives.

The more we read, the more we can only learn.

And the more we learn, the more we can improve and achieve better results.

What oxygen is to life, words of wisdom are to our soul.

These words of wisdom are like bolts and nuts to help us build strong structures and scaffolds in life.

Words of wisdom are tools to help us respond to the complex and ever-changing currents of life.

In that sense, a good book continues forever.

The final “chapter” of the book is about how we have applied the lessons from the book in our lives.

The best “ending” of a book is how we have leverage on the lessons to make a positive difference to the people and environment around us.



I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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Please read my reflections and continue to teach me.

Life is FUNtastic!


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