Beyond Joy Of Learning
Cultivating joy of learning and enterprising spirit is not just the job of the Ministry of Education but also every member of society, including parents and siblings.
Parents in particular should help their children develop a passion for learning such that their children will become self-directed learners because all major learning revolves around self-learning.
As educator B. J. Zimmerman wisely puts it, “Learning is not something that happens TO students, it is something that happens BY children.”
It’s unfortunate that some parents, educators, and schools do not have a curriculum or drive to help children develop a culture for learning, including learning how to learn.
By forcing students to absorb content knowledge, they can become gatekeepers rather than gateways to help children find inspiration and motivation for improving themselves.
Fundamentally, students needs to know that pursuit of knowledge does not have to be dependent on any person, task, situation or environment.
Self-motivation can be learned and developed. It can be controlled even when students don’t feel like doing anything and even under adverse conditions.
For example, they can learn to develop a healthy conversation with themselves.
Instead of saying, ” It’s hard and can’t be done,” they can ask themselves, “How can it be done?” or “How can I tackle it one step at a time?”
What they say to themselves and their behaviour will influence their attitude, cognition, emotion, and behavior.
By having healthy goals, positive self esteem, and empowering self-talk and reinforcements, students can lay the foundation to become self-regulated learners and pacesetters in the future economy.
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
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