Brussels explosions: Many dead in airport and metro terror attacks

by Patrick Liew on March 28, 2016

I was supposed to be at Brussels in November 2015 to attend a Conference.

However, because of a potential threat of a terrorist attack, the Conference was postponed to January 2016.

I have met wonderful people in Brussels and been mesmerized by the beautiful city and its rich culture.

It breaks my heart to read about the senseless bombing and loss of lives.

My thoughts, and prayers go out to the victims of the Brussels explosions and their loved ones.

The thoughts of promising lives being cruelly put to an end weigh on my mind and sadden me deeply.

My prayer goes up for those who survive the victims.

May they find the strengths to cope with the tragedy. May they press on and find wisdom and courage to reconstruct their lives for the future.

I pray that lives lost in such a senseless tragedy will be a turning point for the community and the world at large:

That at all levels of governments, leaders will enforce justice and ensure that such a crime will never happen again;

That humanity will be inspired to stand together and help protect every single person regardless of his/her creed, culture, colour, custom and country of origin; and

That we will never stand by and do nothing against the forces of evil.

May we never take the peace around us for granted.

We should stay united, vigilant and do our part to help look out for the world around us and keep it safe and secure for all our children and children’s children.

My prayer and hope is that this heinous crime will not bring about any negative reaction but that it will start a new day of peace, kindness and compassion.


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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