Business Is A Team Sport

by Patrick Liew on June 16, 2011

January 25, 2010

As part of My HSR ritual, I chair an annual management retreat for our key managers to review past performance and to plan for the new year. This year, we had our retreat at the Polo Club.

I am happy that every one in the team is optimistic about the economy and the property market. We are confident that My HSR will rise to a new height in terms of profit, advantage and growth.

More importantly, I am proud of the fact that we have a very loving and united team. We are committed to My HSR culture and we want to make our world a better home. What was most satisfying is to see new members catching My HSR spirit so much faster than before.

At the end of the retreat, I led a team-building game to learn how to ‘tee up’ one another (refer to My HSR Code of Honour #15). We must continue to learn how to love people and make them feel important, loved and respected.

One of the lessons I learned is that the belief, Together, Everybody Achieves More (TEAM) is wrong. Many agents suffer as a result of working with the wrong people and doing the wrong things.

T.E.A.M. should stand for Teams that are Effective Achieve More. As they say, A champion team is better than a team of champions.

When I work as a team, I can synergise with others. I can leverage on them to do more, achieve more, and enjoy more in my business and life.

No successful persons in business became successful alone. They learn how to enroll people in their team and go further and faster in life together. Business is a team sport.

Please start a team or be a part of a team today.


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