“Consulo ergo Sum”

by Patrick Liew on January 9, 2017

Before you got out of bed today
Did you pause to reflect and pray
For yet another day God lent you His breath
Spared you from illness and even death?

The mad cacophony of technology
Takes away tranquillity
In quiet reflection the mind and soul thrive
So turn the gadgets off and start feeling alive!

Retreat to a place where you alone
Can review your life and any record of your action
Stand to be measured by our Creator
“Have you lived your life well?” asks the Saviour.

Reflection clears the cobwebs of the mind
Reminds you where true happiness you’ll find
Helps you change for the better
So when you try again you will not falter.

Critical self-reflection helps you formulate
New visions, ideas, and courses of action
Past experiences happened for a reason
They serve as lamp posts as today you press on!

Reflection heals the wounds of your past
Makes your heart whole again at last
Helps you count your many blessings
Reminds you that miracles never stopped existing.

Yesterday is gone
The future is borrowed
Your only certainty is today
Who knows about tomorrow?

Live a well-pondered life
Reflect and be
The person our God
Created you to be!


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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Please read my reflections and continue to teach me.

Life is FUNtastic!


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