Definitely Not The Last Words On Amos Yee…

by Patrick Liew on March 28, 2017

Amos Yee has delivered hate speeches and broken the law in Singapore.

The Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act states clearly that nobody should do anything that’s “prejudicial to the maintenance of harmony between different religious or racial groups and which disturbs or is likely to disturb the public tranquility.”

In his words, “I told you, it is hate speech, it is overly rude, it isn’t good activism. I completely regret making these videos.”

Amos delivered the hate speeches at length, in graphic ways, and with great intensity.

Despite admitting the wrongdoing, he showed no remorse and instead, repeated the hate speeches in different ways.

For Amos Yee to seek political asylum, some key questions should be contemplated by reasonable minds.

Is Amos Yee a politician and is he affiliated to any political party?

Does he subscribe to any political ideology? Has he champion any worthwhile cause?

Amos Yee has a long track record of documented misconduct against his parents, school and teachers, and other parties, including those who tried to help him.

For those who support Amos Yee, has he given an account of how he has used his “celebrity” status to raise funds from the public?

How has he used the funds for a good purpose? Has he done any good?

Do you want our society to produce more “Amos Yee”s? Do you want your children to be like “Amos Yee”?

Do you want the likes of “Amos Yee” in your family, team and organization?

Will you give such “Amos Yee”s absolute freedom to say and do whatever they want, including causing harm and damages to your family, team and organization?

In the name of freedom of speech, will you let these “Amos Yee”s spill hate speeches against you, your family, your core beliefs, your treasured values, and the entities that are important to you?

Will Amos Yee change and stop spilling hate speeches?

Will he contribute positively to his newly adopted country and country folks?


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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