Fight On!

by Patrick Liew on August 27, 2018

Fight On!

Failures can become stepping stones to success and not millstones around your neck.

It can soften you, strengthen you, and enlighten you.

First, failure can soften you in the sense that it can humble you and make you more of a human.

Help you better understand and feel for people who are facing challenges in their lives.

And make you a more empathetic and approachable person.

Secondly, failure can strengthen you to become a wiser and better person.

To overcome failures, you have to put in more effort to strengthen major life skills.

Improve your knowledge, attitude, skills and habits – all of which can make you a stronger person.

In the process of resolving downsides of failures, you can learn how to persist and persevere so as to achieve desired results.

Develop grit and become more resilient in facing other challenges in life.

And turn every disadvantage, downside and challenge into a strength of a higher order.

Thirdly, failures can enlighten you and help you realise that there are many people out there who are silent, invisible, and forgotten.

They are facing different kinds of challenges.

Failures can inspire you to reach out to help them.

Inspire you to serve the last, the least, and the lost so that they will not be left behind on the highway and byway of life.

And help you believe that those who are disadvantaged can become leaders for the greater good of society.

In short, without overcoming failures, you cannot have truly lived and succeeded in anything.

Please don’t let any failure go to waste.

There is a proverbial phoenix that can soar to the stars from a failure – and that winner can be you.

Success can be the next step after a failure. It may be just around the next corner.

Fight On!


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