I Could Have Made Tons Of Money – Story #1.

by Patrick Liew on August 20, 2019

I Could Have Made Tons Of Money – Story #1.

Many people who had looked back on their past will regret over wasted opportunities to get rich quickly.

I, on the other hand, can look back on many opportunities to get rich quickly, but I never regret that I did not capitalize on many of these opportunities.

Throughout my life, I have literally struck gold or had money dropped into my lap on many occasions.

However, I have walked away from those unclean wealth.

Case in point, when I was a student, I had to earn my keep by working at the defunct Sungei Road Flea Market.

In the days of old, Sungei Road Flea Market was sometimes known as the Thieves Market.

I was working as an honest hawker selling all kinds of clothing but it was not the most lucrative trade.

There were many opportunities to earn a quick buck by getting involved in different illegal and unethical activities.

For example, at the lower end of the chain of darkness, a young boy could be paid handsomely by helping acting as a look out for gambling dens.

Then, there were more money to be made as a petty thief, pickpocket, or purse-snatcher.

At the higher end, I could get rich real fast by peddling drugs and being involved with other kinds of evil activities.

In addition to working in Sungei Road Flea Market, I was working as a kitchen help and a waiter at a restaurant.

As the youngest of the crew, I was taught by my older colleagues on various ways to “earn” extra benefits.

For instance, I could bring home some of the food items and other valuables from the restaurant.

Or pocket some money without billing the customers.

Was I ever tempted to earn those dirty money?

Not for a single moment.

Wisdom from the street taught me the “easy come, easy go” principle.

If you earned easy money, you could lose them easily too.

Furthermore, never mucked around with karma.

The evil that you did would return to you multifold.

Eventually, you would reap what you sow.

I just could not live with and live down any act of wrongdoing and harbouring a sense of guilt.

If that happened, I would never be able to sleep well.

And I loved my sleep too much to sacrifice any part of it for money.

My street name was “Siow” which sounded like “Crazy” in Hokkien.

Some of my childhood friends still call me by that nickname.

I may be crazy but I am not crazy enough to play the fool with my integrity, my life, and my future.

To be continued…


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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Life is FUNtastic!


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