I Could Have Made Tons Of Money – Story #2.

by Patrick Liew on August 20, 2019

I Could Have Made Tons Of Money – Story #2.

After my graduation, I did not make any major plans for my career.

It was clear in my mind that I was far from smart and talented and so, I was prepared to accept whatever came along.

Yet, I had an amazingly “lucky” streak in the employment world.

Somehow, I knew that Somebody up there had been guiding me, even when I was not opened to a better way.

He sent His angels to watch over and protect me.

At various points, wise guides (贵人) would somehow cross my paths and show me the right directions.

For all that, I am eternally grateful and thankful.

Even in my wildest imagination, I could never imagine that a simple “kampung” (village) boy like me would eventually travel around the world and experience so much in life.

In my first job, I worked with two English gentlemen.

They empowered me to grow the company, way before empowerment became a buzzword in the business literature.

They gave me the latitude to plan, lead, organize and control our organization even though I was not officially appointed to manage its operation.

It was hard to believe, but I was able to move up the organizational hierarchy in the business world almost on a yearly basis.

By the time I reached 28 years of age, I was leading and managing a business operation.

At 31 years of age I was left very much on my own to run the regional office of a multinational company.

As many would know, great power can lead to great irresponsibility, corruption and wrongdoing.

As a young man who had literally tripped into corridors of power, and having known what pleasures money can buy, I was placed in a many a vulnerable position.

It was a constant battle to stay on the straight and narrow path.

For example, as a head honcho, I had a wide bandwidth to decide on business proposals to customers and offer contracts to suppliers.

I cannot tell you how many times I had been offered “special benefits” in exchange for my endorsements and better deals.

Bear in mind, I grew up at a time when corruption was still a part of business practice.

As they used to say, “On one hand, it cannot be done.

“On the other hand (demonstrated by putting a hand under the table), everything is possible.”

Were the “benefits” offered to me appealing and enriching? Yes.

Did they move me? No.

Long time ago, I was taught that I should never take the easy and unclean road to be rich and wealthy.

As the Good Book would say, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36).

What’s the point of making a lot of money only to lose my soul?

Besides, I have been taught by many great teachers that with dreams, persistence and massive action, I can make my dreams come true.

That way, I can stand tall and be happy over the achievements.

Through many of such experiences, I learned that the greatest poverty is not a poverty of money.

The greatest poverty is a poverty of dreams, discipline and actions.

When there is nothing to look forward to, and nothing to live and fight for, life is likened to a feather that’s carried by the aimless winds of life.

There is nothing more tragic than to live without a sense of meaning, purpose and significance.

When you hold on with determination to your high calling, you can tap on the infinite wealth that our Creator has prepared for you.

He has opened for you a personal checking account with unlimited resources that you can draw upon to fulfill His worthwhile causes.

Poverty of character and values is another one of the worst diseases that plagues different parts of society.

Ultimately, people will see beyond the glitter and glamour, and right through to your heart.

It is not what you have but how you gave, not the quantity of your possessions but the quality of your contributions that determine true wealth.

Furthermore, there is no quality that defines poverty as much as a poverty of humility.

When you think you are bigger than what you really are and worse, when you think you are better than the others, you push yourself over the cliff of true wealth and into the dark abyss of life.

On the way down, there are no helping hands because you could have unwittingly or carelessly rejected them.

Even if there are people there to help you, the lack of humility will continue to prevent you from breaking the fall and climbing back to your rightful place.

When you examine the overall scheme of life, you will realize that many people’s perception of wealth and poverty is narrow and incomplete.

There is a need to re-evaluate your belief on wealth and poverty so that you can live a wholesome life and live life to the fullest.

Ultimately, poverty becomes permanent when there is a poverty of the right action.

When you do not take the right action and enough of them, you will never improve your lot in life.

Somehow, you will find yourself going round in circles and regressing in life.

You may never escape the clutches of poverty.

Break this vicious cycle, and and you will put yourself on the path to sustainable wealth.


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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Life is FUNtastic!


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