It’s Time To Capitalise On The Passage Of Time.
Life is about capitalizing on the passage of time.
It should be a beautiful symphony composed by the meaning of the past.
And rise to a crescendo with mindfulness of the present and magic of the future.
Unfortunately, many people are trapped in a time warp.
They relive their hurts and disappointments.
They carry emotional baggage from the past and manifest them in life.
Sadly, if they are not at peace with the past, they will never be at peace with the present.
If they cannot accept and appreciate the past, they cannot soar and succeed in the future.
Contempt of the past will eventually condemn their future.
1. Time is created for a purpose.
As I reflect on time, I am mindful that you have a past that you can never change.
However, the past does not have to shape your future.
You can decide to sink or soar as a result of the past.
Our Creator has created time so that you can bury your broken dreams in it.
You can choose to learn from and build on it.
So, why let pain and sorrow weigh on your spirit and become a burden in your life?
Why lay them bare on the journey of life and make them a part of your being? Why let them become a bondage and be a burden on your heart?
Why let a broken heart and uncompleted files hold you back from the passion of living and your dream?
It’s time to revisit some of those uncompleted stories – stories that were left hanging at the back of time.
It’s time to craft or re-craft the remaining chapters for a beautiful life.
It’s time to close the files and let a boulder roll off your chest, a burden is released from your heart.
When you let go of the negative emotions and baggage from the past, it will free you to run farther and faster in life.
You will become lighter and your steps, quicker.
Eventually, you will be able to take flight and soar to the stars of your dream.
2. You can close the files in the past – now.
One of the best ways to be at peace with the past is to resolve old issues and build on the resulting lessons for the best future.
One of the best ways to remove past guilt is to put to right the wrongs that have been committed.
One of the best ways to remove resentments against your offenders is to continue to forgive them.
One of the best ways to clear negative emotions is to learn how to cope with them and replace them with positive emotions.
One of the best ways to remove resentment and hatred is to replace them with love, compassion, and kindness.
One of the best ways to start life anew is to clear your debt and obligation, and practice restitution.
One of the best ways to transform your life is to remove the blockages that are holding you back.
One of the best ways to be connected to the people that are important in your life is to reach out and learn how to connect with them.
One of the best ways to stop carrying an unfinished business is to complete it and leverage on it to accomplish a higher achievement.
One of the best ways to be at peace with your life is to contribute positively to others and the environment.
3. Learn and leverage in the past.
When I reflect on the challenges of the past, I am mindful they were not random dots in our lives.
They happened for a reason.
There are meaning and significance in every experience even though you might not realize it at that point in time.
Learn to enjoin these unique experiences into an amazing tapestry of purpose, significance, and blessing.
The past will then becomes a working tool for your future.
The past will become a launching pad to help you make full use of your life and live life at its best.
Therefore, accept your past and be contented with it. Be grateful and thankful for the experiences and lessons from the past.
Learn to fall in love with the unique blessing of your past so as to be grateful for the present and to create a brighter future.
When that happens, there will be a greater sense of peace, and pride and joy in your life.
4. The past can be a value-addition to your future.
The past can act as a signpost to direct your path to the future.
The past can be a powerful resource to help you find true meaning and fulfillment and help you rise to your highest calling.
The past should not be a pitfall.
It can be a powerful platform to propel you to a brighter future.
How you make use of the past can influence your direction in life and its ultimate destination.
The more you remove the pain from the past, the more you can increase the gain in the future.
When you choose to turn every negative experience into a positive experience, it can become another awesome memory.
The sooner you do it, the larger will be your treasure cove of beautiful memories.
As you continue to capitalize on the “here and now,” you will further expand on this treasure cove.
It will inspire you to live on a higher plane in life.
In conclusion, remember it’s never too late to restart your life to become the best you and to create a desired future.
Everything that has happened in the past is preparing you for the present.
Redesign your life to create a worthwhile future.
But beware, everything around you may come to an end.
Time may just run out on you.
Take the first step and start closing the files. The files that have always been on your heart and mind.
Continue to do it until the files are all closed.
Yes, it’s time to close the files.
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
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