It’s Time To Dream Again.

by Patrick Liew on December 30, 2016

Everything around you starts with a dream.

The world around you is created and re-created by dreamers.

Dreamers see a brighter future before the rest of the world.

They see the world not for what it is but for what it can become and they move ahead to redesign the world around them and seize the future.

When there is a dream, there is life. Without a dream, you will drift through the passage of time.

The brightest future belongs to those who dare to dream great dreams and turn these dreams into a reality.

1. Why Dream

Dreams are a preview of different lives that you can experience. They are stories that your divinely-created heart wants to craft for your future.

They are milestones to help you choose and craft your destiny.

In crafting your dream, you free yourself to explore the expanse of your mind and to the ends of the world.

If you don’t do that, you will be trapped in the worst prison, the prison of your mind.

You will not be totally free if you cannot mentally traverse the unlimited possibilities of space, time, energy, and matter – and see how things can fit into your dream.

The limit of your dream is only defined by the limit of your imagination, passion and diligence.

2. Values of Dreams

Dreams are like a compass. They help to navigate your way to success.

With a dream, you can feel that there is something great waiting for you. That feeling can give you a sense of strength, control, and direction.

When a dream occupies your mind, it limits the room for fears and worries.

It will also drive out other negative emotions and inhibitions that hold you back from living your desired lifestyle.

When your mind is being stretched by a dream, you will have a deeper desire to improve yourself.

You will aspire to be a ‘better you’ so as to be in a better position to achieve your dream.

When a dream is so electrifying that it consumes you, you cannot continue to live at the same level.

It compels you live up to your higher potential and for a worthier cause.

You will galvanise all your resources and resourcefulness to reach the next level of achievement and growth.

When you dream of going farther than you thought you can, you will bring out the best from yourself.

You will fight to make full use of your life and live a full life.

The greatness of your dream will determine the greatness of your achievement. The quality of your dream will shape the quality of your life.

3. Poverty of Not Having a Dream

The worst poverty is a poverty of not having a dream. When there is nothing to look forward to, you will be perpetually poor.

4. How To Dream

I believe our Creator has designed you to dream. He has wired you to turn your dream into an achievement in life.

He has already placed a dream within you.

Amidst the noise and haste, you may not be mindful of your dream and to live out your dream.

The good news is that it is never too late to reignite your dream. It’s never too late to start on a journey to turn your dream into a reality.

The transportation system of life will continue to improve and you can ride your dream on it to take you farther and faster to your desired destination.

You will learn how to value your life and surround yourself with like-minded people because they, too, have dreams.

Together, you will have a much better chance of improving your performance and fulfilling each other’s dreams.

Crafting a dream is not a one-time process but an ongoing one. You need to review and improve on it throughout your journey.

5, Act on Your Dream

Dreamers not only dream but they also battle all odds to turn the dream into a reality. They create and re-create the world again and again.

Tragically, there are many dreamers but not many are doers.

There are only a rare few who are achievers. They not only dream but they also do whatever it takes to make their dreams come true.

The key difference between those who merely dream and those who make dreams come true is just one word – Execution.

Execution is the ability to act on your dream. It is also the process of improving on your action to achieve a greater dream.

As a dreamer, you must also be a doer.

It is not enough to aspire, you must act. It is also not enough to execute, you must excel in your execution.

Good motives must lead to motion. Movements must be accelerated to lead to achievements.

You must take the first step, and then another better step, and another even better step…until your dream come to pass.

The worst failure is a failure to try. When you stop trying, failure becomes permanent.

It is the size of your dream, the tenacity of your faith in it, and the ability to take ever-improving action that will help you to go farther and faster to achieve your dream.

6. Live Your Dream

When you step out of your home tomorrow, you will have the opportunity to create an exciting new world.

You can create a world that has never existed before. A world that you have been longing for, one that will pave the way for a brighter future.

You have everything it takes to transform that new world in your mind into a reality.

Therefore, I challenge you to dream the “impossible dream”. It will drive you to stretch yourself to make achieving the dream possible.

Unrealistic dreams in the past have come to pass because courageous humans defy challenges and overcome obstacles to turn the dream into a reality.

These people saw a different “reality.” They do what ordinary people won’t do, and won’t do what ordinary people do.

You, too, can live on their plane of “reality.”

When you explore the expanse of your mind, you will have the opportunity to create an exciting new landscape.

7. Take Action Now!

When you join the rank of dreamers, you join a group of people that can create new realities and a new world.

These people take massive action to transform great dreams into a reality.

When you join them to work towards great dreams, you will always be young.

When your dreams are replaced by just “hopes” and “wishes”, you will start to grow old.

The best time to dream and fulfill your dream is right here, right now.

There is no better time in history to do whatever you want to do, enjoy whatever you want to enjoy, and achieve whatever you want to achieve.

Always remember, you are in a position to transform the world for the benefit of our children and your children’s children. You can leave a positive legacy for their sake.

Please don’t take your destiny lightly.

Live your dream right now!


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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