It’s Time To Learn From Criticisms – Story #2.

by Patrick Liew on August 20, 2019

It’s Time To Learn From Criticisms – Story #2.

Recently, a friend whom I have treated well in the past and in fact, has gone out of the way many a time passed an unfair judgment about me to another friend.

I am sure many people have gone through a similar experience.

Or, God forbid, they have made such remarks before.

Fortunately, my other friend defended me and helped to set the record right.

I’m happy to have many of such friends who will stand by me and are always in an operationally-ready mode to protect and support me.

That experience got me thinking about the practice of judging others.

What are the consequences of being judgemental and looking down on others?

The Good Book says, Judge not so that you will not be judged (Mathew 7:1).

This wise counsel makes logical sense because when you focus on other people’s downsides, you won’t be able to see the dark sides of your life.

If you are a judgemental person, you will eventually paint a poorer image of yourself than the person you are criticising.

Nobody will look up to you when you pass judgements or look down on others.

If you feel that you are good, you won’t look down on others.

For when you look down on others, you stop being good.

You cannot be totally at peace with yourself.

Nobody likes a self-righteous person.

Prople will avoid you if you continue to play “god” or “judge” in their lives.

If you persist, eventually there will be nobody for you to judge as you will be left alone.

The only person left to criticise is yourself.

When you judge others, you will have no space in your heart and mind to see the good in others and build a positive relationship with them.

You may even end up living a lonely life.

When you pass judgements on others, you are also inviting others to also pass judgements on you. It’s fair game.

If you expect others to be perfect or to set a high standard, others will also expect you to be perfect and to set a high or higher standard for your life.

People will hold you to your yardsticks in life.

They may be inclined to expose you if you don’t walk your talk.

In fact, they may even become more conscious about the downsides in your life.

As a result, you may bring unnecessary attention to your weaknesses and magnify them for the world to see.

When you point a finger at others, four fingers will be pointing back at you.

People will soon notice that your fingers are not entirely clean and innocent too.

If you step on others, don’t be surprised if someone follow your example and do the same to you.

When you judge others in their absence, they may also judge you in your absence.

If you don’t give them a chance to defend themselves, they may also not give you a chance to defend yourself.

Soon, all parties will realize that throwing mud at one other will only make each other muddy.

Spewing poison at one another will only cause each other to die of poison.

When you judge others, you cannot see the bigger picture of life.

And focus on the important and vital aspects of life, such as love, joy and peace.

When you look down on others, you can’t look up and enjoy the expanse of the universe.

Lift up your eyes and appreciate the wonders of our Creator and His handiwork.

Put the judgmental spirit away from now.


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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