It’s Time To Live At The Edge Of Life.
Challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone and move towards the edge of greatness.
Think about it.
You’ll never know how great you can be until being great is the only road left ahead of you.
Until and unless you push yourself forward from the edge of your self-imposed limitation, you can never achieve greatness.
It’s at the edge that you can see the vast expanse of dreams and possibilities.
It’s at the edge that you’ll develop a healthy discontent with status quo.
It’s at the edge that you can take the next step to soar to a higher plane in life.
It’s at edge that you can let go and let God take you on a flight of abundance and achievement.
It’s at the edge that you can start to experience possibilities and potential miracles.
Beware: If you’re not living at the edge, you may just be occupying space and drifting along.
Someday, when you look back at your life, you might not regret taking the journey that you have travelled.
More likely than not, you would regret that you have not done what you should do, and to go beyond the edge.
You would feel remorseful for not taking a different journey to living a better life and making a greater impact on the people and environment around you.
The worst crisis may not be a natural crisis but a man-made crisis of fear, ignorance, apathy and complacency.
Are you ready to join those who have crossed the edge and returned as heroes to inspire the world with their stories?
Are you ready to live at the edge of life?
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
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