It’s Time To Live For A Higher Calling.
One of the greatest poverties is a poverty of meaningful dreams, and a dearth of vision to make the world a better home.
To live for a higher calling, there is a need to constantly examine your values in life.
Evaluate these values to see if they are platforms or pitfalls to achieve success.
1. Are you a master or slave of material wealth?
Throughout life, many have become overly focused on materialistic pursuits.
They are more interested in what they have than what they gave, the quantity of possession rather than the quality of contribution.
Material possessions are good slaves but bad masters.
If you allow your pursuit and desire for possessions to exceed your desire to leverage on them to do good, they will end up controlling and enslaving you.
2. Is your career a platform for success or a pitfall of success?
On the journey of life, other than sleeping, you will spend more time in your workplace than many other preoccupations.
It is sad that for many, instead of treating their career as a calling, they see it as just a way to earn an income or to climb a ladder in search of personal promotion and gain.
Many go to work and never seek to love their jobs and excel in it.
They choose to drift through time.
While their bodies may be at the workplaces, their minds can be somewhere else.
They dream of greener pastures and look out for a better employer.
All these while, they did not realize that the best workplace is what they made out of it.
Slowly but surely, they are draining their energies, and wasting their lives.
They fail to see the meaning, purpose and significance of their careers.
And fail to realise how much good they can achieve for their loved ones, colleagues, customers, communities, and countries.
3. Do you love people and use things or love things and use people?
As you journey through life, the people you can always count on are mainly your loved ones and friends.
Many of them will stick with you through the ups and downs of life.
In your darkest hour, they will be there for you.
They will struggle with and help you overcome challenges and to make something good out of your life.
Sadly, many would pursue their own dreams without helping their loved ones and friends to pursue their dreams.
At the end of their lives, some of the greatest regrets is that they have not given more of themselves to those who have loved them and supported them.
Repay them with more love, kindness, and care and concern.
4. Is your soul reaching out for beauty of life or numb to it?
From the beginning to the end of your journey, one of the most important parts of your being is your soul.
As Teilhard de Chardin, French Geologist, Priest, Philosopher and Mystic, once wisely said:
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
You can have everything in the world but if you lose your soul, you will lose everything.
If you value your soul and allow our Creator to direct it, you can enjoy an overflowing abundance of life.
And live for a higher calling and serve a worthier cause.
In doing so, you can achieve greatness and make something great out of everything within you and without.
As you journey through life, constantly examine and re-examine your values.
Adopt and apply the right values at different phases in life.
Each of the values has a proper place and you should prioritise them and use them accordingly.
As you make sense of the melody and lyrics that our Creator has put in your heart, I pray that you will create the most beautiful symphony for the people around you.
In doing so, may you enjoy the poetic rhythm of life and dance with life.
May you become a masterpiece that will exemplify the best of life and one that will inspire others to greatness.
And leave the world in a better state than when you first came to it.
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
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