It’s Time To Manage Your Stress Level – Story #4.
Research in positive psychology has proven that journaling can help you cope better with challenges in life. It can also improve your overall well-being.
Since young, I have always kept some kind of a diary. I have recorded reflections about my life.
I believe that everything in life happened for a reason and purpose.
And do I endeavor to look for meaning, values and lessons in every experience.
They tell me that this is a part of Action Learning – one of the best methods for learning and improvements.
I share these reflections with my colleagues and friends and by doing so, I further reinforced these lessons in my life.
Journaling can help you to have clarity about the sources of your stress.
It can help you to reflect on your thoughts, feelings and actions.
As a result, it compels you to analyse how you had managed stress and to find better ways to resolve it.
Over the years, I have learned there are five major ways to manage stress.
1. Alleviate.
You can strengthen yourself to better manage stress.
2. Accept.
You can learn how to accept and live with stress.
3. Avoid.
You can take yourself out of the stressful experience.
4. Adapt.
You can accept what you cannot change and also change your response to it.
You can change the sources of your stress and your situation.
To manage stress effectively, apply a combination of these ways to cope with challenges in your life
More importantly, with the help of our Creator, believe that you can effectively manage stress.
If God is for you, nothing can stand against you.
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
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