It’s Time To Manage Your Stress Level – Story #5.

by Patrick Liew on July 31, 2018

It’s Time To Manage Your Stress Level – Story #5.

A good friend from another country was trying to contact me through different channels.

Finally, he managed to contact me through facebook.

I have not met him for a long time but he felt I could help him with some personal matters.

During the meeting, he poured his heart out to me about the challenges in his life.

I spent some time encouraging him.

In addition, I decided to “pull some strings” to resolve his issues.

While listening to him, I can’t help reflecting about managing stress level.

Stoic philosopher Epictetus offers one of the best remedies for handling stress.

In a nutshell, he encouraged you to separate your life into two aspects:

1. Internal aspect which covers the areas that are within your control, and

2. External aspect which covers areas that are beyond your power and control.

Do not be unhappy over things that you have no control over and which are controlled by others.

For example, do not be stressed by other people’s personality and behavior, criticism about you, and unpredictable problems in the environment.

Instead of focusing on what you cannot control, focus on what your have power over – the internal aspect of your life.

For example, you have control over your attitudes, thoughts, beliefs, values, and behaviours.

Learn how to manage yourself and apply your strengths to your advantage and for your best benefit.

In other words, stress has to do with responding to challenges that seemed to be beyond your control.

Therefore, if you cannot change the situation, change yourself.

Change how you respond to the stressors and manage them in your life.

For example, you can improve your attitude.

Ask yourself, “Do I see stress as a reality or am I in self-denial about it?

“Is it a strengthening experience or a strangling experience?

“Do you want to come out of it as a better or bitter person?”

Take full responsibility.

Ask yourself, “Do I take full responsibility over my stress or do I blame, justify and give excuses about it?”

Make wise choices and take charge of the situation.

Ask yourself, “Do I want to do something about it or do I leave it to the winds?”

Change your habits.

Ask yourself, “To better manage stress, how should I change and improve my thought processes, lifestyle, and environment?”
In short, if you don’t learn how to lead and manage yourself, the stress level will remain beyond your control.

It will be hard for you to cope with the stresses.


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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