Leading With Love

by Patrick Liew on September 20, 2011

When HSR went through the darkest hour in March 2003, I took full responsibility for it. One of the many lessons I realized was, whether My HSR would succeed or fail, it depended on leadership – especially my leadership.

Nothing great is achieved without a great leader and a great team.

I decided to review and redesign myself to be a better leader. I aimed to be the leader that I wanted my leaders to be.

I endeavoured to be the leader that my real estate agents would want to follow. In the process, I hoped to also inspire them to be the best leaders they could ever be.

I believed all business models; including My HSR business model, should be based on a ‘Leader Build Leaders…’ model.

I needed to build leaders who would then go on to build more and better leaders. These new leaders would go on to do the same from one generation to another.

I disciplined myself to learn the art and science of leadership.

I attended courses and seminars. I seek out experts to learn from them. I read many books on leadership.

I also did a lot of soul searching. I spent many quiet retreats alone to meditate over how to be a better leader.

Along the way, I tried to be an effective leader, solicited 360° feedback regularly, and seek to improve on a daily basis.

I realized I must lead myself before I could lead others. The quality of my team depended on the quality of my leadership.

People would not follow me if they don’t know what I believed in, where I was going, and how I would get there with them.

My results could only rise to the level of my belief in and commitment to take massive action to create a win-win shared vision.

To be successful, I must help them to be successful. They must win before I could win. That’s the basis for a win-win relationship.

I have recorded my learning experience so that I can take further actions, build on it, and share it with others.

For example, I realized if I don’t have a heart to love and serve my agents, I don’t qualify to be a leader.

I should inspire them with wisdom, love and respect.

I went out of the way to find leaders who are better than myself. By setting the example, I hope to build a culture within HSR to pursue constant and never ending improvements, including being willing to work with and follow leaders.

Every one of us is a leader and a follower at the same time. If I don’t know how to be a good follower, I can never be a good leader.

I spent as much time as I could with people. I saw them for what they could become rather than what they were.

When I respectfully and lovingly expect the best from people, they are in a better position to meet the expectations. And they would rise up to become better leaders.

The good news is, the more I developed them to be better leaders, the better a leader I became.

I believe this journey to be a better leader is a lifelong journey and a rewarding, exciting and fulfilling one.

Together, as real estate leaders, I hope we will fulfill a worthwhile cause and make our world a better home.

Together, let’s move from success to significance and leave a positive legacy.

Together, let’s make a positive difference for our future generations.


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

Please go to ‘Notes’ found below my profile picture.

Visit my Inspiration blog at http://liewinspiration.wordpress.com

Visit my Transformation blog at http://hsrpatrickliew.wordpress.com

Please read them and continue to teach me.

Life is FUNtastic!


Question: How can we become better leaders?




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