According to the Chinese Zodiac signs, this lunar year is the Year of the Rooster.
Although I don’t subscribe to this Chinese belief, I did some research about chickens, and more specifically about roosters.
I discovered many lessons that can help you find purpose, meaning and fulfillment in life.
The chicken is the most common domestic animal.
There are more than 150 different breeds of chicken and they come in various shapes, sizes, colours and appearances. It’s also the largest breed in the species of birds.
When my children were young, our house was almost like a mini zoo.
Over the years, we have kept many different types of chickens, including a very colorful and dwarf-like breed of chickens,a breed that’s purportedly originated from Japan.
Among all the pets, I would nominate chicks as the cutest and most attractive of animals. They are fun to play with and great to hold in your hands.
As I reflect on the Year of the Rooster, I’m inspired by chickens and how they can be symbolic of 5 key lessons in life.
1. Fining your place under the sun
The chicken is an important animal to the livelihood and lifestyle of humans.
Without its meat and egg, your range of food and cuisine will be greatly limited.
You’ll be worst off for all the wonderful tastes and aromas that chickens can offer to your dining tables.
You’ll also not be able to enjoy the nutrition that chickens can provide to strengthen your health and fitness.
To many people all over the world, chicken soup is a vital food for physical well-being.
Chicken has a special place in your life.
In a similar way, you’re a precious child of our Creator. He has given to you a set of unique gifts, strengths and experiences.
You’ve also been given the power of choice to find your valued place and position in the workplace and in society.
2. Becoming a net contributor to the workplace and in society
The rooster is known as a time-keeper of the community.
At a time when clocks were non-existent or not as commonly available, humans relied on roosters to wake them up to start another productive day.
The rooster is not unduly concerned about its importance to the surrounding.
It’s not over focused on its looks or its crowing.
Whether you like the crowing or not, the rooster will act on its calling and belief like a mini Donald Trump.
As humans, it’s important to be sensitive to the environment.
However, you should not be unduly concerned about yourself and how you’re being perceived by the people around you.
You need to find your own mission and vision and just as importantly, take massive amount of appropriate actions to fulfill your calling to serve a worthwhile cause.
By leveraging on your gifts, strengths and experiences, you can value-add to the people and environment around you and be a net contributor to your communities.
3. Caring for the people around you
In the Bible, our Lord Jesus Christ likened Himself to a mother hen when he talked about Jerusalem.
He said, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me.” (Mathew 23:37 NLT)
As humans, we are created to look out for and look after each other. Compassion is part of our DNA.
Learn from the rooster.
A rooster plays an important role to its flock. When it finds food, it will call its flock of chickens to eat first.
In a similar way, to be successful, you should have a servant’s heart, living to serve and not to be served.
The values of love, compassion, graciousness, inclusiveness and kindness should be at the core of your operating principles.
Whatever you do, don’t do it to satisfy your ego and don’t be driven by a self-serving agenda.
Serve with humility, and value others above yourself.
Seek not only to meet other people’s needs but also to help carry their burdens.
Develop a win-win relationship with them.
In other words, let others win first before you can win. They have to be successful
before you can be successful.
4. Becoming an important part of the global ecosystem
There’s a story in the Bible about how our Lord Jesus prophesied about Peter’s
betrayal (Mathew 26:34 NLT).
Obviously, Peter found it hard to believe that he would condescend to such a level
and defended himself.
When the prophesy came to past, Peter cried bitterly. (Luke 22:61-62).
After this event, the rooster became a symbol for responsibility, accountability,
due care, and loyalty.
As a humans, you’re created to play an important role and responsibility in the
global ecosystem.
Look after the garden that our Creator has gifted to you by way of this universe.
Just as importantly, manage everything that made up this universe, including the
animals, plants and trees, and the environment.
Every contribution matters. Every part counts.
For example, climate change is causing toxic and corrosive results in many parts of
the world.
There’s a clarion call for you to protect the environment. Take responsibility and be accountable in exercising due care to preserve it.
You have to do it for the sake of our Creator and for our future generations.
Humans can sometimes be arrogant in looking down on animals and criticizing them.
For example, we think that chickens have pea brains and are chicken-hearted.
While it’s true that chickens cannot invent like Einstein, compose like Beethoven, write like Shakespeare, and climb like Edmund Hillary.
However, chickens have learned to live in harmony with the environment and contribute to its sustainability.
They do not stock up armaments, go to wars, and damage and destroy the planet.
5. Living for a high calling and for a worthwhile cause
Chickens make the greatest sacrifice for us. They live to serve us with their lives.
In a similar way, you should go beyond yourself and your self interests to live for others.
Abraham Marslow called this the self-transcendence level or the highest level of human needs.
In other words, live beyond yourself to help others live a better life. Serve a higher purpose in making our world a better home.
The more you reach out to bless other lives, the richer and better your life will become.
In summary, if we find our rightful place, become a net contributor, care for people, play our part in the global ecosystem, and serve a high calling and for a worthwhile cause, we would have lived a good life.
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
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