Leveraging On The Property Measures To Go To The Top

by Patrick Liew on June 18, 2011

There is a Chinese proverb that says, ‘In times of major changes, heroes are born.’

As a result of the recent property measures, I believe a new generation of human dynamos will rise. Unfortunately, there will also be many salespersons who will go the way of the huge dinosaurs.

The difference between them is essentially one word – ACTION!

It is action that differentiates the successful from the failures, the rich from those who are poor and struggling.

Please let me suggest some concrete actions you can take to leverage on the property measures to go to the top.

  1. 1.      Take The Opportunity To Grow Your Business NOW!

At any point in the economic or property cycle, there are salespersons who make top income.

Very often, the best time to make good money is during a major change. Many of our competitors will be leaving the industry, becoming less effective, and turning negative. 

It is easier to eat up more market share in such times. It is not about market size but market share that will help you earn top income.  

Think: How can I make use of the uncertain times to expand my market share and grow my business?

  1. 2.      Protect Your Mind

The greatest impact that the property measures can make is not on the market but on your mind. How you can profit from it has nothing to do with the situation but what goes on in your brain.

Let me quote a saying from the Good Book, “What you sow, that shall you also reap.” What you sow in your mind, you will reap in your life. What you saw internally, you will reap externally.

If you sow seeds of failures, you will reap failures. However, if you plant and grow success, you will reap of a life of happiness and fulfillment.

Do you see the property measures as opportunities or challenges? How you see it will determine what they are to you and the results you get from it.

Think: How can I accentuate the positives and remove the negatives from my response to the property measures?

  1. 3.      Manage Yourself First

The key focus is not just to find ways to respond to every challenge.

You need to develop a healthy body, an adaptive mind, and a resilient spirit that will survive any turbulence. You need to find different ways to capitalise on challenges to achieve success.

To run further and faster, you need to live a balanced life – physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. You need to develop a healthy lifestyle, including managing your family, finance and friends properly.

Think: How can I develop a strong foundation for success?

  1. 4.      Fly With Eagles

There is a saying, ‘If you want to fly with eagles, don’t mix around with turkeys’.

You are predominantly the result of the people you mix around with. They can either lift you to a higher level or drag you through mud.

Be committed to seek out, interact with, and learn from the achievers in our industry.

Think: How can I interact with and learn from champions?

  1. 5.      Beware Of Energy Vampires

Stay far away from negative turkeys and energy vampires. They will grumble, grouse and gripe about anything and everything.

As a result, they will poison your body, mind and spirit. They will suck your energy and prevent you from achieving success.

Think: How can I run away from these energy vampires?

  1. 6.      Learn! Learn! Learn!

Learning is the only true competitive advantage in business and in life.

When you are committed to learning, you will always find new and better ways to grow your business.

Think: What am I learning today to make me a better salesperson tomorrow?

  1. 7.      Reengineer Your Business

As they say, ‘If you keep doing the same thing, you will always achieve the same results. If you want to change the results, you must change the way you do things.’

You must be willing and competent enough to destroy old ways. You have to reinvent better ways to run your business.

Think:  What must I start doing in my business now? What must I stop doing in my business    now?

Think:  What must I do more of in my business now? What must I do less of in my business


In the next Love Note, I will share with you more specific actions you can adopt for your business. Meanwhile, please continue to take measures to secure your long term success.

Take action now before it is too late. Go4It!


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