Living Moments (Part 27)

by Patrick Liew on May 2, 2012

I was given the opportunity to share with some teachers recently. 

I told them, I considered it an honour and priviledge to address them because, “I’m a ‘product’ of teachers. Without them, I’m nothing”. It was also a humbling experience because teachers, more than many other professions changed the world by moulding and shaping the people who made it happened.

Without teachers, nobody can do a proper job or progress in a chosen profession. There will be no well-run business, organisation, community or society. The world will virtually grind to a halt.

When I think of teachers, I also think of people who teach me every day of my life. In fact, I’ve found that there are so much I can learn from just the people around me.

Teaching should not be relegated to just a profession, it should be the calling of each and every person to mentor and guide the people who come after us. We need to be at the same time, a teacher and a student. 

The more we teach, the more we will learn ourselves. The hungrier we are to learn, the wiser a person we will become.

During the talk, I challenged the teachers to see their work as a calling. There may be some students in their class that will rise up to be world-changers and life-transformers.

Just as importantly, every student comes to class with their stories, their talents, their fears and their aspirations. Though teachers’ contributions, these students will grow up to help run the country and manage society.

To all my teachers, thank you. You made it possible for me to live life, live well, and live to help others.

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

Visit my Inspiration blog at

Visit my Transformation blog at

Please read them and continue to teach me.

Life is FUNtastic!


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