Technology will either make or break me.
How I use technology will determine how much I will get out life.
I went to the PC Show 2011. I chose to go during a weekday to avoid the crowd.
I was wrong – the exhibition halls were jam-packed with people. As I squeezed among the crowd, I was totally amazed by the latest infocommunication technologies.
Technology is changing at a faster pace than ever before. More importantly, it is changing the world faster than you and I choose to think or believe.
The world that I know will cease to exist shortly.
A brave new world will rise – powered by technology – that will propel me to or repel me from success.
I left the show with this lingering question, “How can I make technology a vital part of my life and use it to help me fulfill my goals and dreams?
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
BTW, I have also recorded other reflections on my fb, under Notes. Please read them and continue to teach me.
Life is FUNtastic!
Question: How can we make better use of technology?
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