Money Is Debt.

by Patrick Liew on November 4, 2019

Money Is Debt.

The rich and wealthy don’t work for money because money is debt.


By the Law of Precession, if you want to be rich and you focus and work purely for money, you may repel people.


Do you want to befriend or do business with somebody who only cares for money or worst, just want your money?

If you keep chasing for money, you will only be happy if you get the next dollar.

In other words, you will soon become unhappy and greedy.

What does the truly rich do to earn money?

They deliver positive and sustainable values and in doing so, earn lasting wealth.

Money in the form of currency is legal tender of a country that will have to honour its worth. It’s somewhat like debt.

In essence, money is a medium of exchange.

And it should rightfully be an exchange for something that is meaningful, purposeful and fulfilling.

Working purely for money is liken to working for the road and not building the road to reach a desired destination.

Ultimately, the end purpose of money is to raise well being of the people and environment around you.

Money should be used to put to right the wrongs in society.

It should be used to touch lives, bless families, improve communities, and make the world a better home.

Therefore, don’t work for money.

Work towards being an effective problem-solver and solution-provider, and money will flow naturally and quickly to you.Go4It!

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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Life is FUNtastic!November 4, 2019Leave a Reply« Previous

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