Racial And Religious Harmony

by Patrick Liew on August 20, 2019

Racial And Religious Harmony

As a former chairman of one of the committees in the Inter-Racial and Religious Confidence Circles (IRCCs), I can attest that racial and religious beliefs are visceral parts of the human psyche, and they can be sensitive and fragile.

Therefore, an undue comment about race or religion, even if said with good intentions, can result in unintended backlash, open up old wounds and create new fault lines in our multicultural society.

History has taught us that racial and religious controversies and conflicts can cause deep divisions in communities and polarised their people.

When the social fabric is torn, it is hard to return the fabric back to its original values, strengths and functional conditions.

Like glass, once harmony is broken, it is hard to put the pieces back together again.

Everyone should exercise due care in his words and actions so that we can continue to develop a more stable, secure and sustainable level of racial and religious harmony.

That is why our people, including leaders and people of influence, should be mindful of the vulnerabilities of our racial and religious fabric.

Everyone should exercise due care in their words and actions so that we can continue to develop a more stable, secure and sustainable level of racial and religious harmony.

The law must send a strong message to the public that there is no place for any word or action that is prejudicial to the maintenance of racial and religious harmony here.



I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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Life is FUNtastic!


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