I like to propose that we initiate a global event in the name of Mr Lee Kuan Yew.
We can take a leaf from Davos, a small municipality that has been well positioned on the world map because of the Global Economic Forum. We can also create a similar event to attract positive benefits to Singapore.
We can leverage on our unique strengths to champion pro-nation building, society and environmental causes in the areas of education, urban living, and corporate social responsibility. We can also target green causes such as the development of garden cities and clean waterways.
The event can strengthen out reputation as a global hub in the new economy through the innovation of cause-related knowledge, initiatives, and campaigns.
It can strengthen our reputation as a responsible member of the global community, one that is committed to promoting thought leadership and enhancing positive contributions and outcomes on a global scale.
When we position ourselves as a hub for supporting worthwhile causes, it can help local enterprises build bridges to the global business community.
It can also help persuade corporate customers and individual consumers to be more inclined to do business with us.
Such an event can pioneer new models in the tourism industry. We can also attract more and a better quality of tourists to our shores and help create a value-added ecology of support and services.
In addition, it will improve our relationship with governmental agencies, NGOs and enterprises. It will help us in developing our economy and building goodwill for the future.
I’m confident that this project will uphold the ideals that are close to the heart of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. It will be a good way to remember him, unite the country, and pass on positive values to future generations.
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