Team Singapore

by Patrick Liew on August 20, 2019

Team Singapore

The culture for pursuing positive relationships and win-win outcomes is a strategic strength of our country.

Such a culture runs contrary to that of many developed countries where key stakeholders were not necessarily inclined to work things out behind closed doors.

They chose to go public with their grievances and demands, driven largely by the need to win political currencies from members of their constituencies.

Many well-intentioned initiatives to promote collaborative efforts ended up in gridlocks, horse tradings, and even violent protests.

In the process, they caused major polarization and divisions, and affected proper running of their organisations, constituencies and countries.

Conversely, Singapore has done well because many leaders from not just the ruling party but also from the public, private and people sectors were willing to work together as one united people regardless of their differences.

Moving forward in a fast-changing world, they have to be mindful not to enroll leaders who are cut from the same cloth to prevent downsides and consequences of groupthink.

They have to embrace diverse and even conflicting views and aspirations, but they must never compromise pursuit for greater good in exchange for collective agreements.

Leaders from all sectors should continue to improve our unique tripartite model, and leverage on each other’s resources to help develop an effective workforce that can stand out from the crowd and stay ahead in the fourth industrial revolution.


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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