Thank You Teachers!
Having teachers to work fewer hours but teaching more may not necessarily address the need to look after welfare of teachers and helping them teach more effectively and efficiently.
Teachers are at the frontline of education and play a major part in shaping the values, knowledge and skills of our children.
They are pillars of the nation-building process because they help to mould the next generation of Singaporeans to become responsible and productive members of society.
Results of a study in year 2000 showed that teachers in Singapore suffered one the highest levels of stress among six prominent professional groups.
Unlike most jobs, teachers invest in human lives and therefore, it is comparatively harder for them to detach themselves from their work.
They may have to carry parts of their workload and concerns for their students even after school hours.
In addition, they may have to undergo undue expectations from demanding parents, their colleagues, and the public.
These pressures may affect their work performance, and learning outcomes of their students.
I would like to propose that the Ministry of Education rephrase their oft-quoted ‘Every Teacher A Caring Educator’ value statement to ‘Every Teacher A Valued and Caring Educator’.
The former statement essentially refers to the compassion, care and concern that are extended by teachers to their students.
The latter statement expands on the values of teachers, and accord to them due recognition and respect.
At the same time, highlight importance of looking after teachers’ well-being and In doing so, help to enhance their productivity and impacts on their students.
It will also send a stronger signal to the public that teachers are members of a respected profession, and they are vital members of our society.
Kwok, B., Lui, G., Yiu, C., & Kam, W. (2000). Work stress among six professional groups: the Singapore experience. Social Science & Medicine, 50(10), 1415-1432.
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
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