The Hero In You

by Patrick Liew on October 26, 2019

The Hero In You

The hero stands tall, eyes transfixed on the stars,
Ready to navigate the way to his vision.
In face of storm and flood, he will walk the high road.
He will suffer bitter cold or heat, he will press on
Ahead of the field, dream chaser, world changer.
He shows the way.

The hero strides forth, pressing toward his cause,
Though the journey be through unchartered paths.
No guarantees are offered and none is assumed,
Grit and perseverance are his only companions.
While the unbelieving world looks on,
He travels alone.

The hero falls down, for it couldn’t be helped.
His enemies have lain waiting for such a chance
To trap him and stop him from reaching his goal.
He may be knocked down but never knocked out –
Courageous and true, he gets back on his feet.
He breaks through.

The hero walks on, keeping purpose in sight.
He defies mediocrity and its alluring call,
Ignoring the rabble, the detractors, the norms.
While others are thinking about what’s next,
He plans for what’s coming after what’s next.
He surges ahead.

The hero may tire, for the road is relentless.
His body is stretched, his mind is harassed,
But his spirit is steadfast, determined, undiminished.
He wills himself to see the land of his dream,
Feel its beat, taste its fruit, grasp its newness.
He braces himself.

The hero is ready, success calls him forth,
His passionate focus on victory propels him onward.
His aim in reach, it will soon give way to him.
It will happen: the world will have its share of his triumph!
The hero, my friend, is blessed and blessing.
The hero, my friend, is in you.Go4It!

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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Life is FUNtastic!


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