The Season of “Lent” is for everyone.

by Patrick Liew on August 20, 2019

The Season of “Lent” is for everyone.

Lent is a religious observance by the Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Lutheran, Methodist, and Catholic Churches from Wednesday, 6 March 2019, to Thursday, 18 April 2019.

Many Christians use this period to fast, forego some luxuries, and follow the sacrifices made by Jesus Christ during his 40-day sojourn in the desert.

The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer for Easter through various disciplines.

Whatever your belief, these disciplines can strengthen your purpose in living and contribute to your overall well-being and fulfillment.

1. Prayer

Spend time in deep meditation and reflection.

Converse with our Creator to bring forth more peace, progress and blessings to you and your loved ones, and the world at large.

2. Repentance and penance

Take this time to search your heart for any wrongdoing. Ask for forgiveness.

Pay your penance and the requisite restitution to close the files in your life.

3. Ego

There is an enemy residing within all of us – the ego.

The ego is an over-consciousness of your being and is an unhealthy attachment. It has a tendency to make you feel bigger and better than the others.

Left unrestrained, it can cause relationships to break down.

It can also affects your performance and results, and may even potentially destroy your life.

Perhaps it’s time to confront your ego and learn how to deal with and subdue it.

4. Donation

This is the time to put heart and soul back into your life and lifestyle.

You have been blessed to be a blessing to others.

Reach out to the poor, needy and disadvantaged.

Help them – your fellow sojourners – travel with dignity on the journey of life.


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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