The World Within You.

by Patrick Liew on December 28, 2015

There are dark shadows hovering around and within you.

They may include a lack of emotional control, a need for approval and affirmation, depression, stress, anger, and even suicidal thoughts.

You cannot be well if you are emotionally unwell. If your internal world is not right, the external world can also go wrong.

Therefore, spend time to redesign the internal world so as to revitalize the external world.

Do not let busyness become the bigger and stronger part of you.

Slow down and quieten down your heart as you spend time with our Creator and reclaim your life.

Know yourself: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Learn to accept and love yourself

Be honest in dealing with hurts and hang ups. Break free from what is not true and is falsely created by you and others.

Do not sweep them under the emotional carpet and run away from them. They will find a way to raise their ugly heads at different moments of your life.

Break out from the prison of the past. Resolve lingering fear, tension, and conflict.

Release pain, grief, and sorrow of past experiences. Be at peace with them.

Learn from them so that you can help others who are going through similar struggles.

Be thankful and grateful that what cannot destroy you can make you a stronger and better person.

Forgive those who have hurt and disappointed you. Let them go mentally and emotionally.

Do it again and again until they stop “living” inside you.

Be mindful about the negative influences of your culture, family, education, friends, and other aspects of your life.

They can cause emotional challenges, character flaws, interpersonal problems, and unhealthy inclinations.

Take full ownership of these and other issues in your life. Be responsible for your thought, feeling, word, and action.

Do not blame others. And never justify and give excuses for them.

List the challenges and work through them. Tackle them one step at a time, and one day at a time.

Focus your energy to live well and do well. As you do so, continue to do good to others and for the environment.

Seek professional training and assistance to guide you on the journey to wholesome living.

Respect and love people. Do not be judgmental and critical. Inspire and encourage them to live a great life.

As you settle your internal world, you will inspire yourself to enjoy peace and achieve greatness too.


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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