Time to Redefine Meritocracy?
The concept of meritocracy has largely been based on students’ achievements in developing their logical and linguistic intelligences.
However, many educational researchers such as Howard Gardner have posited that there are multiple intelligences.
Case in point, moral intelligence can be more important than intelligence of the intellect.
Altruistic intelligence can be just as important as logical intelligence.
Creativity in resolving problems and innovation in developing solutions can be more important than just acquiring and reproducing content knowledge.
Helping students to discover their unique set of gifts, talents and aspirations, and be able to leverage on their strengths to contribute to their future workplaces and society can make for a better Singapore and brighter future.
If we become overly-focused on academic results, and students pursue grades at all costs and without considering for others, we may end up with social issues such as the not-in-my-backyard syndrome that we are witnessing in many corners of our communities.
To improve social mobility and increase Gini coefficient, we need to start from young by inculcating in students the importance of helping each other address these issues and to work as a team to address other social injustice.
We need to broaden our perspective of meritocracy to ensure that it becomes a more compassionate, inclusive, and effective meritocracy.
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
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