Whither Academic Freedom?

by Patrick Liew on August 20, 2019

Whither Academic Freedom?

Academic freedom is a vital aspect and core value of institutions of higher education (IHE)

Without such a freedom, the IHE cannot pursue the discovery, promotion and transmission of truth and lay the foundation to build a better world.

The challenges facing academic freedom include the difficulty of defining academic freedom.

In addition, there’s hardly any concerted drive to craft a code of ethos and conduct for proper use of academic freedom or to prevent its abuse.

As a result, there are questions that beg to be answered, including the following questions.

Should academics be give uninhibited freedom?

Can academic freedom be used as an excuse to avoid being accountable and being held responsible for negative consequences?

Can academic freedom be a carte blanche to communicate irresponsibly and without credible evidence?

For example, in many countries, natives still operate from a tribal lens and protecting their turf is a cultural imperative.

In addition, there are also other fault lines that are defined by different cultures, creeds, and communities, and these cracks can be easily triggered to cause social upheavals and other forms of unrest.

How should academics be taken to task if they cross the line to cause undue disharmony, hatred and even potential conflicts?

The battle to establish a healthy climate for academic freedom is a worthy one, and academics should continue to help governments and countries to find an acceptable and equitable solution.



I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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Life is FUNtastic!


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